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george galway
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   Posted 8/8/2007 3:04 PM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
 Dear Finale users, I have just installed Finale 2008 and am experiencing a problem accessing the help files and manual. Could someone please piont me in the right direction? Many thanks, George G.
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Mark Johnson
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   Posted 8/9/2007 10:09 AM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
Hi George,

Looks like you posted on the wrong forum (this one's for SmartMusic) - but I should be able to help you out. There is a known issue using the user manual if you are using Windows Vista. See

If this isn't the problem, Mac or Win? if Mac, did you install Finale onto a partition other than your boot partition?

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george galway
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   Posted 8/9/2007 11:15 AM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
Hi Mark, I realised as soon as I hit the 'send' botton! I am on Windows XP. Thanks for your help.

George G.
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george galway
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   Posted 8/9/2007 2:45 PM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.

Hi Mark, I'm still struggling - If you can shed any more light on the problem I would be very gratful.


George G.

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Mark Johnson
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   Posted 8/9/2007 4:28 PM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
Okay, first verify the Help Files were installed properly (you should also be able to open them manually this way).

On your hard drive, navigate to: <(local disk letter):\Program Files\Finale 2008\Help Files>. You should see a "Finale.htm" file which you can double-click to open the system (a few other files/folders should be there too). If this folder does not exist of is empty, reinstall Finale from the CD/DVD and be sure to include the documentation files.

If the files are there, we'll need to be sure Finale is pointing to them. Launch Finale and from the Edit Menu, choose Program Options, and then choose Folders. After "User Manual" be sure "C:\Program Files\Finale 2008\Help Files" is listed (where "C:" equals the letter of the drive where Finale is installed).

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george galway
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   Posted 8/10/2007 6:43 AM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
Hi Mark,
I hope I'm not being a nuisance - I'm not there yet! Here's what I've got: C:\Program Files\Finale 2008\Help Files\Finale_CSH.htm

Can you advise where to go from here?

George G.
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Mark Johnson
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   Posted 8/10/2007 5:08 PM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
If you mean "C:\Program Files\Finale 2008\Help Files\Finale_CSH.htm" is what's listed in the Program Options, remove "\Finale_CSH.htm" from the end. That should solve it.

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