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   Posted 8/22/2013 1:30 PM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
Don't know if you're monitoring the other boards or if you have auto-notification engaged but here's a pretty severe crash that is related to JWChange.
I started the file attached here in Finale 2012. When I try to print page 2 of Player 3 or page 2 of Player 6 from my laptop or desktop it appears that Finale hangs. When I try to cancel the print operation and quit or restart Finale Windows 7 (64-bit) crashes to a blue screen memory dump.
I just figured out this morning that if I leave Finale alone it will eventually print the problem pages taking 5-10 minutes instead of instantly like the other pages. However there are two long horizontal bars across those pages.
It appears that Finale is having trouble processing the 2 glissando smart shapes that are connected to hidden noteheads at measure 102 in Player 3 & 6.
If I unhide the notes all is well.
If I hide the notes through Speedy Edit (O) or Simple Input (H) all is well.
If I use Jari's JW Change plugin to hide the notes I get these negative results.

Windows 7 Pro (64 bit), Finale 2014, Core i7 2700K@3.50Ghz, 8GB Ram
Brass music, Woodwind Music, Concert Band Music, CDs, etc.

Post Edited (KennethKen) : 11/13/2013 12:38:28 PM (GMT-6)

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Jari Williamsson
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   Posted 8/22/2013 4:17 PM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
Does the problem go away if you don't have those smartshapes?

Could you reproduce to problem without using the plug-in? (Setting the custom notehead to the hidden font style.)

Jari Williamsson

Windows XP, Pentium 4
2.40 GHz, 4 GB RAM - The Finale Productivity Tips site

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   Posted 8/23/2013 8:00 AM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
Jari Williamsson said...
Does the problem go away if you don't have those smartshapes?

Could you reproduce to problem without using the plug-in? (Setting the custom notehead to the hidden font style.)

Yes, if I remove the glissando smart shapes all is well (I can leave in the slurs which are attached to the same notes).

Windows 7 Pro (64 bit), Finale 2012c, Core i7 2700K@3.50Ghz, 8GB Ram
Brass music, Woodwind Music, Concert Band Music, CDs, etc.

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Jari Williamsson
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   Posted 11/4/2013 7:51 PM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
"JW Change" beta version 0.27 is now available for download from the tips site. New/changed in this version:

* Added Rests/Combine (ON/OFF) for Finale 2014
* Bug fix: Changed Noteheads/Shape "Hollow Diamond (Harmonics)" to slot 79
* Bug fix: Shape articulations that are changed into another definition might sometimes transform into another existing shape articulation def

Jari Williamsson

Windows XP, Pentium 4
2.40 GHz, 4 GB RAM - The Finale Productivity Tips site

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   Posted 11/13/2013 1:33 PM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.

Can you add "Unlink" - "Relink" to the JW Change as both a switchable attribute and a filter for elements that have this attribute?


Windows 7 Pro (64 bit), Finale 2014, Core i7 2700K@3.50Ghz, 8GB Ram
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   Posted 11/13/2013 9:18 PM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.

As an engraver I have templates that I use. When I insert a composer's file into the template for engraving, I switch many of the elements from the ones he's entered to the ones in the template with correct positioning. This includes articulations and expressions. Would there be a way for a plugin to scan the articulation and expression list, and if there are duplicates, they could default to the ones that are part of the template.

A second category of dynamics being created after inserting a file is a perfect example of what I'm referring to. I swap these expressions one at a time using the change command under utilities. But if there was a way to automate this, it would be a huge time saver.

Thanks for listening,

Macbook Pro OSX 10.8.5, 2.66GHz Intel Core i7, 8 GB RAM

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   Posted 2/17/2014 7:02 PM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
Jari Williamsson said...
KennethKen said...
Will Clefs be added to the lineup of editable musical elements in this plugin?

Perhaps. It's on the list for the future expansion.
Oh Please! Oh Please! Oh, Pretty Please.

Windows 7 Pro (64 bit), Finale 2014, Core i7 2700K@3.50Ghz, 8GB Ram
Brass music, Woodwind Music, Concert Band Music, CDs, etc.

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   Posted 4/30/2014 9:00 AM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
If possible, please consider adding the Window Shade option to this plugin. I have it open all the time.

Windows 7 Pro (64 bit), Finale 2014, Core i7 2700K@3.50Ghz, 8GB Ram
Brass music, Woodwind Music, Concert Band Music, CDs, etc.

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Charles Lawrence
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   Posted 5/1/2014 10:02 AM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
It's there already, Ken, just not in the "JW Plug-in Tool Options..." plug-in.  Next to the "Sequence Editor..." button, there is an unlabeled "Visual Options" button "...".  Click it to open the dialog where you can turn on the window shade feature, among many other "visual options."

"Anything is possible if you don't know what you are talking about!"


Dell XPS 600, GenuineIntel Intel(R) Pentium(R) D CPU 3.00GHz [Intel64 Family 15 Model 4 Stepping 4] (2 processors)
8GB Ram
HT Omega Striker 7.1
1TB x 4 internal HD's

Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate x64 Edition, (06.01.7600.00)
Finale versions: 2011b.r2, 2012c.r13, 2014a.v3535



"There is a world of difference between a person who has a big problem and a person who makes a problem big." – John Maxwell

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   Posted 5/1/2014 10:25 AM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
Charles Lawrence said...
It's there already, Ken, just not in the "JW Plug-in Tool Options..." plug-in.  Next to the "Sequence Editor..." button, there is an unlabeled "Visual Options" button "...".  Click it to open the dialog where you can turn on the window shade feature, among many other "visual options."
Ah-ha! Thanks Charles. I was looking where all the other plugin have this option set. Having it in the plugin window is definately more convenient than opening the JW Plug-in Options Tool. Thanks again!

Windows 7 Pro (64 bit), Finale 2014, Core i7 2700K@3.50Ghz, 8GB Ram
Brass music, Woodwind Music, Concert Band Music, CDs, etc.

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   Posted 5/2/2014 8:07 AM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
I can't seem to get the "Expressions / Dynamic" part of this plugin to work. Hitting Apply just makes the computer sound an error and nothing happens. I'm just trying to soften a mp and the filters are set to "Any", "Any" and "None".

Anyone else have any luck?


Windows 7 Pro (64 bit), Finale 2014, Core i7 2700K@3.50Ghz, 8GB Ram
Brass music, Woodwind Music, Concert Band Music, CDs, etc.

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Charles Lawrence
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   Posted 5/3/2014 1:03 PM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.


I was able to soften a ffff down to a pppp with no problem using successive applications of the plugin.

The first time a dialog popped up saying that additional expressions may need to be generated, but it didn't reappear on subsequent applies.  I cannot find that it had to create any more expressions, probably because all the dynamic levels were already there.

"Anything is possible if you don't know what you are talking about!"


Dell XPS 600, GenuineIntel Intel(R) Pentium(R) D CPU 3.00GHz [Intel64 Family 15 Model 4 Stepping 4] (2 processors)
8GB Ram
HT Omega Striker 7.1
1TB x 4 internal HD's

Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate x64 Edition, (06.01.7600.00)
Finale versions: 2011b.r2, 2012c.r13, 2014a.v3535



"There is a world of difference between a person who has a big problem and a person who makes a problem big." – John Maxwell

Post Edited (Charles Lawrence) : 5/3/2014 1:07:25 PM (GMT-5)

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   Posted 5/11/2014 9:12 AM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
Charles Lawrence said...

I was able to soften a ffff down to a pppp with no problem using successive applications of the plugin.

The first time a dialog popped up saying that additional expressions may need to be generated, but it didn't reappear on subsequent applies. I cannot find that it had to create any more expressions, probably because all the dynamic levels were already there.

Hmmm. Apparently, my installation of the plugin is not working so good. I'll try to upload a file/video once I finish my current project.

Windows 7 Pro (64 bit), Finale 2014, Core i7 2700K@3.50Ghz, 8GB Ram
Brass music, Woodwind Music, Concert Band Music, CDs, etc.

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   Posted 5/11/2014 9:26 AM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.


Is there a way for you to add to the Notehead/CustomShape command a filter that differentiates between

  1. all the various note lengths (both dotted and not dotted) where the notehead is on a line and notes vs space,
  2. all the various note lengths where the notehead is above the middle line of the staff vs below it,

I know this will add alot of filter options (which, of course, the user could hide) but I'm faced with a score with percussion parts and a harp part with many "l.v. ties" on the noteheads. I'm using Engraver Font to input them but its slow going with the special tools since each note requires a different notehead depending on it's current length (default notehead and whether it's dotted) and its placement on the staff (whether on a line or space and above the middle line or not). If I could create a sequence in JW Change to handle all the different scenarios it would save a huge amount of time.


Windows 7 Pro (64 bit), Finale 2014, Core i7 2700K@3.50Ghz, 8GB Ram
Brass music, Woodwind Music, Concert Band Music, CDs, etc.

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   Posted 5/19/2014 10:17 PM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
Charles Lawrence said...


I was able to soften a ffff down to a pppp with no problem using successive applications of the plugin.

The first time a dialog popped up saying that additional expressions may need to be generated, but it didn't reappear on subsequent applies.  I cannot find that it had to create any more expressions, probably because all the dynamic levels were already there.

I think I figured it out. The Dynamics Softer/Louder command doesn't work when EngraverFontSet is the default music font for the file. Charles, can you check this for me?
Jari, can this part of the plugin be made compatible with EngraverFontSet?

Windows 7 Pro (64 bit), Finale 2014, Core i7 2700K@3.50Ghz, 8GB Ram
Brass music, Woodwind Music, Concert Band Music, CDs, etc.

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Ralph L. Bowers Jr.

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   Posted 9/2/2014 10:41 AM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
Is it possible to make a dashed tie plugin that is incorporated into your "Change" plugin?

Finale 2010b, 2011b, 2012c, 2014c TGTools Pro, Patterson plugins, JW plugins (current)
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Jari Williamsson
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   Posted 9/9/2014 2:51 AM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
Ralph L. Bowers Jr. said...
Is it possible to make a dashed tie plugin that is incorporated into your "Change" plugin?

I plan to add a "Ties" section in the future, but I can't make any promises about dashed ties at the moment.

Jari Williamsson

Windows XP, Pentium 4
2.40 GHz, 4 GB RAM - The Finale Productivity Tips site

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   Posted 2/4/2015 5:16 AM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.

Would it be possible to add stem direction as a filtering option in the Expressions pane? This would be very helpful in changing the horizontal and vertical distances of expressions on down-stem notes specifically.

13" MacBook Pro 2.8 Ghz. Intel Core i5, 16 GB RAM, Apogee Duet 2, Samsung SyncMaster 245b
OSX 10.9.5, Finale 2011c and 2014b (not using it yet) w/GPO & JABB, Patterson Plug-Ins, TG-Tools and QuickKeys 4; Sibelius 6, Logic Pro X, Adobe CS3, FontLab Studio 4, FontExplorer X Pro 3

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