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   Posted 6/12/2003 6:49 AM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
I have found that the snare drum is down on the D below mid-C. The sound is there and if I use that on my midi keyboard to enter notes the snare sound is heard on playback. The problem is that I have a one line snare staff. I want the note head to be on the line of the staff. How do I get it there?

Please help fast!
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   Posted 6/13/2003 2:26 AM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
OK now I have been trying to figure this out on my own. I have now messed up most if not all of my percussion maps. I am so lost, and I still haven't even budged the line the snare drum is notated on.... D below middle C.... in other words many ledger lines below the one line staff I am using for the snare drum part. I am using a midi keyboard for entry, and it will only notate it where the note I push would show up. How do I get the notes to be on the one line staff?
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   Posted 6/13/2003 4:56 AM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
First, D2 is the General Midi note for snare drum. Is it possible your midi keyboard is off an octave? I have a transpose key on my Yamaha. Anyway, you can assign any note on the midi keyboard to playback a sound you want on a staff and you can have the sound notated on any line or space. Use the staff tool, and double click a measure on your snare drum staff. Go to the bottom of the staff attributes page next to notation style and click the select button. Now click edit on the percussion map you are using (General Midi, snare drum, etc.) The General Midi playback snare note is #38. You could also click on listen and play the note on your keyboard you want to be your snare sound. Set the staff position to 6. That will put the note on the line of your one-line staff. If you want it on the space above the line, select staff position 7. Be sure "Highlighted Note" is checked then click Done, Select, and Okay. You are finished.

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   Posted 6/13/2003 6:44 AM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
Try this:

Play your snare line in using Speedy (or what
ever entry you use) and leave the notes as D2.

Now go to Staff Attributes (the tool with the treble
clef on it), high-lite the measures you want to

Go to the Staff menu selection at the top of your
screen, select Apply Staff Styles. There should be
a style called "Percussion : 1 Bar Staff." This will
automatically transpose all of your notes to the
standard "percussion line."

Hope this helps.
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