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   Posted 4/5/2002 5:26 AM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
I have a simple finale doc (1 trombone part extracted from a trio, 225 measures) that saves and prints just fine, but when I try to change the clef from tenor to bass, Finale crashes. That is, unless I make the clef change in scroll view. Then it's OK until I change back to page view or try to print - which then causes Finale to crash.

Details are below. Any suggestions?

Thomas Cox

I have Finale 2002b running on a 1.7GHz Pentium IV with 512MB RAM and 40GB HD (25GB free)

Here's the start of the traceback:
AppName: finale.exe
ModName: kernel32.dll
ModVer: 5.1.2600.0
Offset: 0000d756
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   Posted 4/5/2002 6:23 AM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
I've narrowed down the repro scenario by changing the clef a few bars at a time (and saving often in scratch files) until I hit the trouble spot. There was a parenthesized courtesy flat and a slur in one bar that apparently would collide when the clef changed. By removing either the slur or the flat, the clef could be changed, but adding them back would again cause the crash.

The final workaround was to remove the flat, change the clef, resize the slur to allow more room under it, and THEN add the courtesy flat.

Definitely something you might want to fix in the next patch. I can send you a copy of the file that will repro the error if you want it.

Thomas Cox
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   Posted 4/10/2002 10:58 AM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
If you're getting a Kernel32.dll error, there's most likely something corrupted in your soundcard drivers, videocard drivers, or other part of your Windows operating system. Microsoft has a great troubleshooting article here, here, or here.

Coda Tech
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