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   Posted 5/27/2002 6:07 PM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
I have just spent three hours trying to
figure this out reading the tutorial/manual,
checking web sites and updating drivers,
etc., reading articles in the k-base, etc.,
and the problem is still not solved.

Computer: Dual 450mhz G4 with 640 MB
Operating System: OSX
Running Finale 2002b, OMS 2.3.8
Keyboard: Casio CTK 650 connected
through a Midisport 2X2 USB

Problem: The computer does not receive
Midi input (i.e., in speedy entry, when
playing a note on the Casio and pressing
#5 on the computer's number keypad, I
get a quarter rest, not a pitched note).
The "use Midi Keyboard for input" is

It will playback a file through the
keyboard. I have made all the checks for
connections and re-worked the set up
MANY times. I have discarded the Finale
Preferences, and re-booted. The
Midisport lights flicker when the computer
sends to the Casio, and it plays back.
The Midisport lights flicker when I PLAY
the Casio, but the computer does not
receive the midi information. General
Midi is ON on the Casio. Local is ON as
well, though it made no difference when it
was off. The keyboard is in good working
order (I know it is not high-end), and it
worked well with Finale 2001d before I
upgraded. I did the studio test in OMS
and the "note cursor" caused the Casio to
play, but when I played the keyboard, I got
no female voice (or any other voice for
that matter) saying "Midi Received" (even
though the lights on the Midisport
indicated that there was a signal being
sent, so I know the cables are good).

In Finale Midi Set-up, OMS is chosen as
the driver, and the Casio is selected as
the input and output device (and NOT
italicized). In the OMS set up for the
Casio, the six boxes on the right are
UNCHECKED (though it made no
difference when they were).

Still, only playback through the Casio, no

Help!!!! What am I missing?

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Rich Caldwell
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   Posted 5/27/2002 7:11 PM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
Do you have input and sync set to "Port
1"? If you don't see the ports, go to "OMS
Setup," and run the Easy Setup. Check
the ports, then select the non-italicized
"Port 1" in the MIDI Setup dialog box.
This is the way I have it set up with a
Midisport 2x2 & Casio CTK-1000. *OS9*


On 5/27/2002 11:07:00 PM, Steven Szalaj
>I have just spent three hours
>trying to
>figure this out reading the
>checking web sites and
>updating drivers,
>etc., reading articles in the
>k-base, etc.,
>and the problem is still not
>Computer: Dual 450mhz G4 with
>640 MB
>Operating System: OSX
>Running Finale 2002b, OMS
>Keyboard: Casio CTK 650
>through a Midisport 2X2 USB
>Problem: The computer does
>not receive
>Midi input (i.e., in speedy
>entry, when
>playing a note on the Casio
>and pressing
>#5 on the computer's number
>keypad, I
>get a quarter rest, not a
>pitched note).
>The "use Midi Keyboard for
>input" is
>It will playback a file
>through the
>keyboard. I have made all the
>checks for
>connections and re-worked the
>set up
>MANY times. I have discarded
>the Finale
>Preferences, and re-booted.
>Midisport lights flicker when
>the computer
>sends to the Casio, and it
>plays back.
>The Midisport lights flicker
>when I PLAY
>the Casio, but the computer
>does not
>receive the midi information.
>Midi is ON on the Casio.
>Local is ON as
>well, though it made no
>difference when it
>was off. The keyboard is in
>good working
>order (I know it is not
>high-end), and it
>worked well with Finale 2001d
>before I
>upgraded. I did the studio
>test in OMS
>and the "note cursor" caused
>the Casio to
>play, but when I played the
>keyboard, I got
>no female voice (or any other
>voice for
>that matter) saying "Midi
>Received" (even
>though the lights on the
>indicated that there was a
>signal being
>sent, so I know the cables are
>In Finale Midi Set-up, OMS is
>chosen as
>the driver, and the Casio is
>selected as
>the input and output device
>(and NOT
>italicized). In the OMS set
>up for the
>Casio, the six boxes on the
>right are
>UNCHECKED (though it made no
>difference when they were).
>Still, only playback through
>the Casio, no
>Help!!!! What am I missing?

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Date Joined May 2002
Total Posts : 3
   Posted 5/31/2002 11:56 AM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
I'm having the exact same problem. If you solve it
please let me know what you did. I've posted
before on the problem but didn't get any answers.

Sydney Rott
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