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   Posted 2/29/2016 1:43 PM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
Is there anyone here who could/would write for me a Finale script for text search and replace for chord numbers. I will, of course, pay you for your work.

Finale already does have a 'Text Search and Replace' but this doesn't extend to chords. I have looked at the Finale script tool (under Plugins) but I don't have a clue where to even begin with it for my purpose.

The reason I would like this script is because I am preparing a figured bass library using the Chord Tool; I already have 1000's of entries and it would help complete my work if I had this script.

I do realise that Finale already has a figured bass method using the lyrics tool but I feel the chord tool is more appropriate for figured bass amongst other things.

Anyway, if there is anyone who could do this for me, please PM me; I do need it pretty soon if that's possible.

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