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   Posted 4/2/2012 8:35 PM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
This short script works fine in Finale 2011 but breaks in Finale 2012:

process current doc

search staff names "" [Times New Roman] replace "" [Helvetica] 18 bold

I've tried the usual reordering of events, but I can't get it to work. I'm guessing the relocation of staff names will require a maintenance update to Finalescript? Or is there a current solution?

Thank you


Finale 2012, 2011 | Mac Pro 8 Core Xeon | OSX 10.6.x

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   Posted 4/2/2012 8:39 PM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
Interestingly, the following individual text case / character substitution script *does* still work in Finale 2012 - it is font substitution specifically for staff names that is no longer working:

// Staff names ALL CAPS

process current doc

search " " case replace " "

search "1,2" replace "1, 2"
search "2,3" replace "2, 3"
search "3,4" replace "3, 4"
search "4,5" replace "4, 5"
search "5,6" replace "5, 6"

search staff names "1." replace "1"
search staff names "2." replace "2"
search staff names "3." replace "3"
search staff names "4." replace "4"
search staff names "5." replace "5"
search staff names "6." replace "6"

search staff names "a" replace "A"
search staff names "b" replace "B"
search staff names "c" replace "C"
search staff names "d" replace "D"
search staff names "e" replace "E"
search staff names "f" replace "F"
search staff names "g" replace "G"
search staff names "h" replace "H"
search staff names "i" replace "I"
search staff names "j" replace "J"
search staff names "k" replace "K"
search staff names "l" replace "L"
search staff names "m" replace "M"
search staff names "n" replace "N"
search staff names "o" replace "O"
search staff names "p" replace "P"
search staff names "q" replace "Q"
search staff names "r" replace "R"
search staff names "s" replace "S"
search staff names "t" replace "T"
search staff names "u" replace "U"
search staff names "v" replace "V"
search staff names "w" replace "W"
search staff names "x" replace "X"
search staff names "y" replace "Y"
search staff names "z" replace "Z"

// end script

Finale 2012, 2011 | Mac Pro 8 Core Xeon | OSX 10.6.x

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Peter West
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   Posted 12/26/2012 6:12 AM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
I am having a lot of trouble getting Finale scripts to work, so I have not tried this, but in your specific case perhaps there might be a way to do it by scripting the global staff settings plugin.

It should be the same thing perhaps, but going via the plugin might work more easily as this requires setting a font rather than changing one. Also all staves are selected by default when the pi opens.

By the same means it might be possible to include all group names too.

Music Publishing Services

Mac 2.66GHz Intel Quad, 4GB RAM /OSX.5.6 /30 inch cinema display+20 inch Cinema Display
Finale 2008 2009 2010/Logic Pro Studio/Komplete/GPO/Kore 2/Max.msp/Pluggo

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   Posted 12/26/2012 4:00 PM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
If you figure out a way to do this with more steps, I'd love to hear what you come up with.
Thanks, Peter!


Finale 2012, 2011 | Mac Pro 8 Core Xeon | OSX 10.6.x

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Peter West
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   Posted 12/26/2012 4:41 PM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
This works for me (changing Font to Sabon 16)
though my machine always freezes on the OK button as if it cant hear mouse up


menu item "Global Staff attributes..."
Click "select..." near "Staff Name Font"
type Sabon
tab 2
type 16
Button "ok"

Music Publishing Services

Mac 2.66GHz Intel Quad, 4GB RAM /OSX.5.6 /30 inch cinema display+20 inch Cinema Display
Finale 2008 2009 2010/Logic Pro Studio/Komplete/GPO/Kore 2/Max.msp/Pluggo

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   Posted 12/26/2012 5:11 PM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
Thanks, Peter. I'll check this out. Weird that the other method simply stopped working, though.

This requirement for Finalescript for this operation in the first place points up the fact (again) that quite a number of Document related Fonts can't be updated by simply modifying them in Doc Options, or by importing a House Style. This really needs to be fixed for a more modernized version of the program.

Hopefully, someone at MakeMusic who can implement this improvement actually reads this forum.


Finale 2012, 2011 | Mac Pro 8 Core Xeon | OSX 10.6.x

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Peter West
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   Posted 12/26/2012 7:46 PM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
Agreed. The advantage of my script is that it is not specific to the document, it calls a font to replace all instrument names. Other parameters in the Global staff attributes can also be set, but again it only works if it is to be applied to all staves as it is not possible to script a staff selection.

It seems to make sense not to be ale to select from lists or palettes that are document specific. It seems to me that the power of Finale script is to set up macros that can be applied to any document.

Music Publishing Services

Mac 2.66GHz Intel Quad, 4GB RAM /OSX.5.6 /30 inch cinema display+20 inch Cinema Display
Finale 2008 2009 2010/Logic Pro Studio/Komplete/GPO/Kore 2/Max.msp/Pluggo

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   Posted 3/14/2014 2:13 PM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
It appears that ANY Finalescript which calls ANY type of font swap is also adding garbage fonts to Finale 2012's font list . In the case of my commercial house style FInalescripts, the one that handles font swaps is pretty extensive, so quite a number of new garbage items get added to Finale's font menu. See below for the script.

Any portion of the script below fails in Finale 2012. I can't test this in Finale 2014, because I keep my plugins folder on Dropbox and there is a known issue with 2014 where changing the folder location (user preferences) in Finale breaks accessibility to Finalescript.

What it means is that score files that come to me for commercial projects that are in Finale 2012 (and probably 2014) will likely require another half hour to an hour of setup per cue, since I can't automate any of the text swap house style stuff. I've managed to avoid using Finale 2012 for the last two years on commercial projects, but projects are starting to come to me in Finale 2012 and I would assume 2014 soon, so I need this stuff to work. If it can at least be fixed in 2014, I should be able to back save to 2012 if needed.

Robert Puff

This has been reported (again) as case 140314-000130
You can see it has been 2 years since my original post on this issue here.

// Search & Replace Text script Finale 2011 - breaks under Finale 2012 / 2014

// start script
process current doc

search " " replace " "
search ".." replace "."
search ". ." replace "."

//-film = search "" replace "" [Myriad Pro Semibold Cond] 11 plain, bar numbers
search "" replace "" [Helvetica] 10 bold, bar numbers


search ">" [Maestro] replace ">" [EngraverFontSet], articulation
search "˘" [Maestro] replace "˘" [EngraverFontSet], articulation
search "fl" [Maestro] replace "fl" [EngraverFontSet], articulation

search "niente" replace "ñ" [Maestro] 24 plain
search "nte." whole word replace "ñ" [Maestro] 24 plain


search "1,2" replace "1, 2"
search "2,3" replace "2, 3"
search "3,4" replace "3, 4"
search "4,5" replace "4, 5"
search "5,6" replace "5, 6"

search staff names "1." replace "1"
search staff names "2." replace "2"
search staff names "3." replace "3"
search staff names "4." replace "4"
search staff names "5." replace "5"
search staff names "6." replace "6"

search staff names "a" replace "A"
search staff names "b" replace "B"
search staff names "c" replace "C"
search staff names "d" replace "D"
search staff names "e" replace "E"
search staff names "f" replace "F"
search staff names "g" replace "G"
search staff names "h" replace "H"
search staff names "i" replace "I"
search staff names "j" replace "J"
search staff names "k" replace "K"
search staff names "l" replace "L"
search staff names "m" replace "M"
search staff names "n" replace "N"
search staff names "o" replace "O"
search staff names "p" replace "P"
search staff names "q" replace "Q"
search staff names "r" replace "R"
search staff names "s" replace "S"
search staff names "t" replace "T"
search staff names "u" replace "U"
search staff names "v" replace "V"
search staff names "w" replace "W"
search staff names "x" replace "X"
search staff names "y" replace "Y"
search staff names "z" replace "Z"


search "Harp" case replace "HARP"
search "Piano" case replace "PIANO"
search "Celesta" case replace "CELESTA"
search "Celeste" case replace "CELESTA"
search "Percussion" case replace "PERCUSSION"
search "Violins" case replace "VIOLIN"
search "Violin" case replace "VIOLIN"


search "Ritardando" whole word case replace "rit."
search "Rit." whole word case replace "rit."
search "Rit" whole word case replace "rit."
search "Ritard" whole word case replace "rit."
search "ritard" whole word case replace "rit."
search "ritardando" whole word case replace "rit."

search "Rallentando" whole word case replace "rall."
search "Rall." whole word case replace "rall."
search "Rall" whole word case replace "rall."

search "Accelerando" whole word case replace "accel."
search "Accel." whole word case replace "accel."
search "Accel" whole word case replace "accel."
search "accel" whole word case replace "accel."

search "q»" replace "q = " [EngraverTextT] 12 plain
search "q »" replace "q = " [EngraverTextT] 12 plain
search "q»" replace "q = " [EngraverTextT] 12 plain
search "q »" replace "q = " [EngraverTextT] 12 plain

search "¡" [Maestro] replace "1" [EngraverTextT] 12 plain
search "™" [Maestro] replace "2" [EngraverTextT] 12 plain
search "£" [Maestro] replace "3" [EngraverTextT] 12 plain
search "¢" [Maestro] replace "4" [EngraverTextT] 12 plain
search "∞" [Maestro] replace "5" [EngraverTextT] 12 plain
search "§" [Maestro] replace "6" [EngraverTextT] 12 plain
search "¶" [Maestro] replace "7" [EngraverTextT] 12 plain
search "•" [Maestro] replace "8" [EngraverTextT] 12 plain
search "ª" [Maestro] replace "9" [EngraverTextT] 12 plain
search "º" [Maestro] replace "0" [EngraverTextT] 12 plain

// end script

Finale 2014, 2012, 2011 | Mac Pro 8 Core Xeon | iMac | OSX

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   Posted 3/14/2014 2:25 PM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
For anyone interested, if you have Finale 2011 installed, you can "borrow" the Finalescript plugin version from that version, and replace the Finalescript version that ships with Finale 2012. Once MakeMusic fixes the bug with user folder locations for the plugins, I'll try this with 2014 as well.

I haven't done extensive testing but it does appear that Font Swap scripts work correctly with at least one exception.

One caveat is that will either have to redo any scripts you created new in Finale 2012 (you should be able to copy and paste the info), or you can copy your scripts from Finale 2011 into the Finalescript folder for 2012 (in which case, you will lose the sort order of the scripts, but not the scripts themselves)

A further caveat is that v2.2.1.4 does not support Unicode, so if you have any scripts that perform text swap operations such as search "1/2" replace "½", these will break.

Robert Puff

Finale 2014, 2012, 2011 | Mac Pro 8 Core Xeon | iMac | OSX

Post Edited (rpmseattle) : 3/14/2014 3:03:46 PM (GMT-5)

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