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Bill Sveglini
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Date Joined Mar 2002
Total Posts : 775
   Posted 9/8/2016 9:16 PM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
Is there something in the Finale program that would over ride a print command?????? Bill

Bill Sveglini - Desktop PC- Finale 2012b - TG Tools Pro- Garritan Personal Orchestra - PC with multiple Quad core Boards - 32 gigs of Ram - 24 in. Monitor - 2 x 1TB Drives - Creative XFi sound - Windows 7 Home Premium
Laptop HP Quad core with 16 gigs of ram, Windows 7 Home Premium
FCOF=Finale Challenged Old Fart

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   Posted 9/8/2016 9:22 PM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
Hi Bill

Could it be related to this issue ?


Daz. :o)

Finale 2006-2011, Finale 25 - Win7 64 bit
Core2 Duo i7-4790, 16Gb Ram, Soundblaster Z

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