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   Posted 5/20/2002 10:00 AM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
I found some hard problems when trying
to beam notes across barlines, although
I've followed Finale's directions, step by
step. It's a matter of beaming a single
eight-note (in the last beat of a 4/4
measure) to the first two eight notes in
the next measure.

1- According Finale's Index I must to click
on Speedy Tool and enter the notes. But
how can I enter the notes using
Speedy Tool without using Simple Entry ?
If I can use the / key to beam or unbeam
notes that's because I am still using
Speed Tool, it seems, isn't ?

2- Finale's Index writes too : " Don't worry
that you've added too many beats to the
measure. When Finale tells you that there
are too many beats, just click OK."
But how can I add too many beats to a
measure if Finale automatically does not
allow that ? and where should I click OK
on if there's neither Speedy Tool Dialog
Box nor OK button? (I suppose that I am
using Speedy Tool yet...)

3- I've tried to extend a beam across a
barline using Beam Extension Method as
well but I came up against another
problem : how to erase that disturbing
eight note's flag ?

Anyway I got to beam the notes across
the barline using Special Tools but
there's always a missing beat in the first
measure (in case a quarter rest) because
there's no way to fill it up. In fact, the notes
that were dragged from first to second
measure still remain there as a hidden

Finally, does it exist a more clear, direct
and easy way to beam notes across a
barline using Finale 2002 ? since now
any help will be deeply appreciated.
Thanks in advance.

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   Posted 5/20/2002 10:23 AM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
You may be reading the instructions too
fast. Try this:

1) In speedy entry, turn off the "Jump to
next measure" feature,

2) click in the first measure, use the up or
down arrow to position the cursor on the
first space. Hit the 5 key three times (to
enter three quarter notes) and the 4 key
three times (to enter three eighth notes).

3) After you hit the 4 for the third time, hit
the left arrow to place the cursor back on
the last note you created, and hit the / key
(to join the three notes under one beam).

4) hit the right arrow twice to go to the next
measure (now is when it asks you what
to do with the extra beats, click "leave it

5) hit the 4 key to enter an eighth note,
and then hit the left arrow to place the
cursor on it.

6) hit the r key to turn it into an eighth rest,
then the h key to hide it.

7) hit the right arrow to place the cursor
where the next note will be.

8) hit 5,4,5,5 to enter a quarter, eighth and
two quarters.

9) use the special tools note position tool
to put the last eighth note from the first
measure in the position that the first
(hidden rest) note in the second measure
would be.

Hope this helps.
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   Posted 5/20/2002 11:33 AM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
This has long been a pain to do and I and many others have sent this in as a feature request. Coda, please make beaming across barlines just as easy as beaming in a bar. This functionality should be added to the "/" used to break or join a beam so this key can also break or join a beam between the selected note and the note in the previous measure.
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   Posted 5/20/2002 10:40 PM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
Michael !

thanks for your great help, indeed. I was
just facing a problem of keyboard bad
configuration. That's why I couldn't use
the keys to enter the notes. Now it's OK!
thanks again !

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Peter Thomsen
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   Posted 5/20/2002 10:41 PM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
On 5/20/2002 3:23:00 PM, Michael Gianino wrote:
>...5) hit the 4 key to enter an
>eighth note,
>and then hit the left arrow to
>place the
>cursor on it.
>6) hit the r key to turn it
>into an eighth rest,
>then the h key to hide it...

...or you can do this:

5)-6) hold down Shift-Option, and hit the 4 key to enter an eighth rest, then hit the H key to hide it.

If you use an extended keyboard, you will have extra modifier keys next to the arrow keys, much closer than the R key.

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   Posted 5/21/2002 10:02 AM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.

I use an extended keyboard and that's the
reason I forget to shift the configurations
often. In fact as you suggested could be
more direct although beaming across
barlines remains a bit complicated task
for me, at least.
However, every time I drag the score page
these beamed notes get misplaced,
making it hard to place them correctly
again. Have you (or someone else) any
thoughts about how to fix that ? Thanks in

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Peter Thomsen
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   Posted 5/21/2002 12:39 PM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.

Another way of making beaming across a barline. It will even work at a system break. And you should not have to move notes, every time you change the layout. It is taken from an old posting on this board:

1. When measures are respaced the pseudobeam stays attached properly to the stems just like a normal beam.

2. When the "beam" is broken across a system, the pseudobeam stays attached properly to the stems just like a normal beam and is broken at the end and beginning of each system. The angle of the broken beam can be maintained or be set to horizontal.

3. Playback is correct.I will describe it for the case discussed in the thread (i.e. two eighth notes across a barline) but I think the general idea could be adapted to other cases as well. Here goes:

1. Change the last eighth note of the first measure to a quarter note. Add a tuplet to this note that is "2 eighths in the time of 1 eighth". This is done to create a flag-less eighth note. Do the same for the first note of the second measure. Then, for each tuplet, select "Nothing" for "number" and "shape" in the "Tuplet Definition" dialog box to hide the tuplets.

2. Select the smart shape tool.

3. Press option and click on the tab slide tool.

4. Press Edit on the "Smart Line Style Selection" dialog box to edit the shape that is used for the tab slide.

5. Change the thickness of the line to .042 (or to whatever you use for beam thickness - see "Options>Document Settings>Beaming>Beam Thickness"). Press Command+OK on the "Smart Line Style" dialog box to close all open dialog boxes.

6. Select a high zoom percentage (e.g. 1000%). You must be able to see both of the eighth notes to which the pseudobeam is to be attached.

7. Be sure the tab slide tool is selected and attach the slide to each of the eighth notes to which the pseudobeam is to be attached (do this just as you would a smart shape slur). You must be sure that the slide is attached to each note.

8. Adjust the endpoints of the slide so that it looks like a beam (i.e. so that it connects the tops of the stems of each of the eighth notes (which look like quarter notes)).You are done. To test it out:

9. Select page view. Select the mass mover tool. Click on the second measure of the beamed pair and press the down arrow to force a system break on the pseudobeam.

10. You should get a broken horizontal pseudobeam at the end of one system and at the beginning of the next. You can, if you wish change these to angled pseudobeams by doing the following: click on the pseudobeam handle at the end of one system or the beginning of the next and ctrl-click inside the resizing rectangle for the shape. Select "Maintain angle over system break" instead of "Make horizontal over system break".

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   Posted 6/19/2002 10:11 AM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
Let's be real. Finale are saving the very
SIMPLE solution to this for a version that
you will have to buy in 2005.
Sibelius seems to have no problems with
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   Posted 6/20/2002 9:31 AM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
On 6/19/2002 3:11:00 PM, Peter Klatzow wrote:
>Let's be real. Finale are
>saving the very
>SIMPLE solution to this for a

Nope. You can do it now. Go to and download his beaming across barlines plug-in.

>Sibelius seems to have no
>problems with

Ah, but shi'belius can't beam across systems. The plug-in handles that as well, I believe.

>version that
>you will have to buy in 2005.

Did you just give yourself away as one of the anonymous posters?


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   Posted 6/21/2002 8:14 PM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
Anon is absolutely right, and thanks buddy! And thanks too, Robert Patterson. Beaming across barlines works beautifully.
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