I totally agree with dotted quarter followed by an 8th note. Having intensely studied the Dover collection of Scott Joplin's piano rags over the past 3 years, I can see many instances where it was notated quarter note tied to an 8th note following by an eight note. It doesn't look good. But it just shows you that there was a time when the notation was done the "other way." (And certainly not in every piano rags that he wrote.... instances of dotted quarters followed by 8ths are rare in piano rags, but do occur at the end of sections from time to time.)
David David Young
Composer of classical-romantic style chamber and orchestral music.
Finale 2.4 through 2009
Laptop PC, windows XP home, 2.4 ghz, 516 Megs RAM
Desktop PC, windows XP home, Gigastudio 3.03, 2 Gigs RAM, 3 hard drives
Apple Mac Pro, 8 quad, 3.2 ghz, 4 hard drives, Apogee duet, two wide screens
Also... Event SP8 studio monitors, M Audio pro station 88 keyboard, GPO, Gigastudio 3.0, Kontakt 3.0, Logic Pro 8, Digital Perfomer 5, KH solo strings, VSL horizon solo strings, JABB, PMI pianos, Sampletekk renaissance flutes, Marimba, percussion, Giovani, Anthrology Celtic Winds and Spiritual Winds, complete Kirk Hunter orchestral library, Kirk Hunter Diamond Library, Garritan Concert and Marching band, Garritan Stradiveri violin and Gofriller cello, True Strike 1 and True Strike 2, Garritan Steinway professional and trying hard to learn the other language of music.
arranging and orchestration! |