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   Posted 6/22/2002 7:11 PM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
I know this is a hoary old problem but here we

Just today I've had a real problem with Finale
2002a and Classic. I've posted earlier regarding
intermitent failures of 2k2a & Classic but now it
won't launch at all and crashes Classic each time.

The splash screen gets as far as 'Initializing
Floating Windows...', freezes for about 15 seconds
and boom! I trashed the preferences (System
Folder/Preferences/Finale Preferences) and
rebuilt the desktop in the OS X System
Preferences Panel and, hey presto! 2k2a loaded
fine... for a while then crashed again taking
Classic with it. Then I was back to the same
startup problem described above. It worked once,
so I tried it again with the same results. Everything
was working (mostly) before and this has
happened out of the blue so what now?

Is there a Startup Set in Classic which benefits
Finale more than any other? ie. turning off certain
Control Panels & Preferences, or 9.2 All or 9.2
Base plus OMS etc.

Is one doomed to be constantly restarting in 9.2
each time one wants to use Finale? Others seem
to have no problems with similar system
configurations (see below) and Coda claims
'Finale 2002b will run fine in Classic Mode under
Mac OS X' but this is patently not the case for
many (most?) users.

I have been following the threads regarding this
issue with interest and there is alot of frustration
out there. If Coda intends to wait until 2004 for a
full native version of Finale, then perhaps a
maintenance update for macs would be in order
to increase its reliability in Classic.

iMac flat panel
OS 10.1.5
512 Meg RAM
Finale 2002a
Classic System 9.2.2
OMS 2.3.8

Thanks in advance...
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   Posted 6/23/2002 10:01 AM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
Frankly put, I am running 2001d, and Finale in Classic mode is just
plain f*cked.

One cannot see ANY values when attempting to type in numbers,
text, anything. The only way I can do a page layout is to select a
box in the page layout window and backspace about 100 times
until the cursor is firmly on the left. Then I can very slowly type a
number, being very careful not to screw it up (because you can't
SEE what you're typing). Hitting return, one quickly figures out if
you accidentally added an extra zero at the end. While this brings
a whole new element of surprise to working, in my case it's not
welcome, and dare I say, intrusive to the nth degree.
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   Posted 6/24/2002 3:38 AM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
I don't use OSX, so this is just a guess.
Trash your prefs again, and launch Finale
in 9.2. Move the prefs file to the Finale
folder and start up in classic. In 9.x and
earlier, Finale makes a prefs file in the
system folder, but it will only look there for
prefs if it can't first see them in it's own
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   Posted 6/24/2002 7:19 AM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
Thanks, but this is not a prefs problem. I have seen a few other
comments about it, and can verify that Finale does not work
properly in Classic/emulation mode.

Which of course then begs the question: exactly how hard Coda is
trying to port to OS X. I can see more and more people fleeing to
Sibelius the longer this condition lasts, never to return.
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   Posted 6/24/2002 10:01 AM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
>exactly how hard Coda is trying to port to >OS X. I can see more and more people >fleeing to Sibelius the longer this >condition lasts, never to return.

Haven't we had enough discussion on this?
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   Posted 6/24/2002 11:35 AM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
Apparently not.

I've been away and only returned to this forum a few days ago after
a long hiatus. I was dismayed, to put it loosely, that not only is
Coda not porting the next version to OS X, but AS USUAL, the real
necessary bug fixes haven't been addressed. Among those little
gems are:

1) Totally erratic grace note spacing
2) Poor horizontal spacing algorithms in general
3) The entire lyric tool, which is a freakin' mess

So, no, we've not had enough conversation about it until it's
addressed. In the Finale code.

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   Posted 6/24/2002 11:59 AM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
Fair enough. However, it seems that you may be in danger of starting another OSX or Sibelius thread when you could be adding your contribution to one of the myriads already going. Or perhaps, you could start another with your own unique focus. The other stuff is way off the topic despite being noteworthy. It may be nice for John (and others) to get his question answered (or not) without a whole lot of other junk getting in the way.

Sorry John, I'm not using OSX, so I don't have any suggestions besides I know many who still opt to run in 9.2 due to Finale and other issues.
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   Posted 6/24/2002 5:18 PM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
This will sound pedantic, but...

I believe that "myriads" is not a word. In fact, some might argue that
it can only be used as an adjective (which is not the case). In any
event, what you probably meant to say was "one of the myriad of..."

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   Posted 6/24/2002 7:27 PM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
Thanks Michael for the advice, I'll give it a try and
see what happens.
Trash your prefs again, and launch Finale
in 9.2. Move the prefs file to the Finale
folder and start up in classic. In 9.x and
earlier, Finale makes a prefs file in the
system folder, but it will only look there for
prefs if it can't first see them in it's own

As for the other posts; thanks for any comments!
I've been following the other threads, OSX &
Classic as well as the Sibelius v. Finale and,
while this is a specific question regarding Classic
I welcome any advice on making Finale more
stable in Classic mode.

Particularly to those users who are NOT having
problems ( I know there's a few of you out there)
what's your secret!?
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   Posted 6/25/2002 4:15 AM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
>I believe that "myriads" is not a word. In fact, some might argue that
it can only be used as an adjective does not agree with you. It gives it as an adjective or noun:


A vast number: the myriads of bees in the hive.

Just a friendly reminder to look things up before you teach the class!
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   Posted 6/25/2002 4:52 AM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
Hi John,
I get John Cambra's Apple Advocates newsletter. Mr. Cambra is one of the senior developers over at apple and he periodically (usually a couple of times a week) sends out an email with tips and tricks for working with OSuX and Classic. I'm going to post his entire email on classic extensions and which ones you can kill. I strongly suggest all of our bretheren here that use OSX subscribe to his newsletter. There are a couple of dated statements, (ie no photoshop for X) but the extension set stuff is good info. Anyway, here goes:

John's Apple Advocate Newsletter

Dr. Mac's prescription for making Classic run better, faster, and more


Most OS X users believe you'll have fewer problems if you reduce the number
of extensions and control panels you load from your Classic System Folder. I
agree wholeheartedly. When I tried running my usual OS 9 extensions and
control panels, Classic was quite flakey and quit unexpectedly much more
often than I expected. But when I turned off most of my Extensions and
Control Panels (because they're not needed if you're in Classic), Classic
became almost stable.

Note: This tip is adapted from Chapter 6 of my soon-to-be-released book, Dr.
Mac: The OS X Files, or, "How to Become a Mac OS X Power User," to be
published by Coriolis next month.

Now bear in mind that I don't use Classic much anymore, and I only have a
couple of programs--most notably Adobe Photoshop and Adobe GoLive--that I
still run in Classic. But over the year I've been using it, mostly through
trial and error, I've determined which Extensions and Control Panels I could
safely disable when running Classic. And it was a lot of them:

Control Panels (disabled): Apple Menu Options, AppleTalk, Control Strip,
Date & Time, Energy Saver, File Exchange, File Sharing, Keyboard, Launcher,
Location Manager, Memory, Monitors, Mouse, Multiple Users, Numbers,
QuickTime Settings, Software Update, TCP/IP, Text, and USB Printer Sharing.

Extensions (disabled): Apple Audio Extension, Apple CD/DVD Driver, Apple
Photo Access, Apple QD3D HW Driver, Apple QD3D HW Plug-In, AppleShare,
Application Switcher, ATI 3D Accelerator, ATI Driver Update, ATI Graphics
Accelerator, ATI MPP Manager, ATI Radeon 3D Accelerator, ATI Rage 128 3D
Accelerator, ATI Resource Manager, ATI Video Accelerator, Audio CD Access,
Authoring Support, Control Strip Extension, Disc Burner Extension, FBC
Indexing Scheduler, File Sharing Extension, File Sharing Library, Find, Find
By Content, FireWire Authoring Support, FireWire Enabler, FontSync
Extension, Foreign File Access, Internal V.90 Modem, Iomega Driver, ISO 9660
File Access, Location Manager Extension, Multi-User Startup, OpenGLEngine,
OpenGLLibrary, OpenGLMemory, OpenGLRenderer, OpenGLRendererATI,
OpenGLUtility, QD3DCustomElements, QuickDraw 3D, QuickDraw 3D IR, QuickDraw
3D RAVE, QuickDraw 3D Viewer, QuickTime FireWire DV Enabler, QuickTime
FireWire DV Support, SDAP Authoring Support, ShareWay IP Personal Bgnd,
Software Update Engine, Software Update Scheduler, Sound Manager, System
Monitor Plugins, Time Synchronizer, UDF Volume Access, USB Authoring
Support, USB Device Extension, USB Printer Sharing Extension, USB Software
Locator, and USBAppleMonitorModule.

And, if Adobe GoLive didn't require them, I could also disable QuickTime,
QuickTime MPEG Extension, QuickTime Musical Instruments, QuickTime
PowerPlug, and QuickTime VR. Sigh.

Note from Keith: Leave on the QT stuff Finale might need it if apple fixes QT 5.

If you're using a lot of Classic programs, you may have to keep some of the
items listed above enabled. That said, Classic works great for me without
them--it starts up faster, rarely crashes, and the programs I use run fine
without them.

The bottom line is that the fewer extensions and control panels you enable,
the better and faster Classic will run. So go trim yours now if you haven't
already--I'll wait.

To discuss this tip (or anything you like) in Dr. Mac's OSXFAQ Forum, click

Bob LeVitus is a leading authority on Mac OS and the author of 37 books,
including Mac OS X For Dummies and The Little iTunes Book. E-mail comments


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from me or Apple Computer regarding seminar invitations, product
information, special offers, and company news, please reply to this
e-mail by including the word "unsubscribe" in the subject line.

If someone you know would like to receive occasional notes from myself at
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John Cambra
Senior Systems Engineer

Apple Computer, Inc.
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   Posted 6/25/2002 6:19 PM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
On 6/25/2002 9:52:00 AM, Keith Ignature wrote:
>Hi John,
> I'm going to post
>his entire email on classic
>extensions and which ones you
>can kill. I strongly suggest
>all of our bretheren here that
>use OSX subscribe to his

Thanks Kieth, I'm glad there's a site out there to
help. I will go there and read the article with
great interest.

Also - I tried Michaels suggestion of moving a
virgin prefs file into the Finale folder and then
adjusting them and it worked! Fin 2k2a launches
fine now, no hanging on the 'Initializing Floating
Windows...' message. (yay!)

There are still problems (oddly enough when
accessing floating windows like Expressions
dialog box) which will still crash Classic, but one
can tip-toe around that, although one shouldn't
have to...

As for contacting Sibelius for a demo copy which
out of frustration I was considering; thanks but
not!... As an American colleague said 'If all you're
wanting to do is churn out lead sheets for school
bands then you'll probably love it...'

Thanks to all that posted, perhaps Michael's
solution should attract the attention of CodaTech
(if they still read these threads) and be added to
the OSX/Classic FAQ.
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