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   Posted 2/4/2010 11:49 PM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
Hey everybody,
I'm attaching an example with which I'm having some difficulty, and was wondering if you could let me know if this is even possible. This short example needs to playback quarter tones correctly...the 'backwards flat' symbol should lower the note a quarter tone. The 'double flat' symbol should lower it by three quarter tones. The symbol that looks like a cross should raise the note a quarter tone, and the cross with three lines raises it three quarter tones.

I got the first note to work (right before the E flat), but after that, I'm stuck. I'm also wondering why the same symbol in the third measure doesn't have the same effect, as if it resets.

Any help is greatly appreciated!



MM Composition, UT Austin
Finale 2009c
Windows Vista

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