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   Posted 3/31/2002 2:19 PM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
I wish to create a 36 bar block rest (multimeasure rest) without having to extract the part. Mine are simple slash chord lead sheets.

Is this possible? Do I have to actually 'grab' 36 bars and then run a command against the selection in order to see my block rest with the number 36 above it? If so, (and I've tried this), it's not working for me.

Read up on it but the manual seems more clear as it applies to part extraction.

Hope this can be done 'live' as it were.

thank you
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   Posted 3/31/2002 2:52 PM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
In Score View, select the 36 measures with the Measure Tool. Go to Measure/Multimeasure Rests/Create.
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   Posted 3/31/2002 2:54 PM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
Of course, the 36 measures have to be empty, meaning you have not manually entered whole rests. Also, double barlines automatically break a multimeasure rest by default.
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   Posted 3/31/2002 3:01 PM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
That was it. I had slash notation (on top of quarter rests) and once I cleared these, I got my measures.

thank you very much!
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