MakeMusic Forum > Public Forums > SmartMusic - FORUM HAS MOVED! > Finale-created Smart Music accompaniments resource? | Forum Quick Jump
  |  MotherofTen Registered Member
        Date Joined Jan 2005 Total Posts : 4 | Posted 1/28/2005 10:17 AM (GMT -6) |   | >>However, the Finale Showcase is full of music that people have made available for free download. It's easy now to make SmartMusic accompaniments from those.>>
Ok, tell me how! I'm a dummy, I admit it! I am not a music major, just a mom! I hope it's easy for folks like me. :) | Back to Top | |
 |  Tyler Registered Member
        Date Joined Mar 2001 Total Posts : 3586 | Posted 1/28/2005 10:55 PM (GMT -6) |   | Download any file you want from the Showcase and save it to your desktop (or wherever you put your music files). If the music has more than one staff (and isn't just a piano piece), open the file in Finale and extract the part(s) you want to make into a SmartMusic solo. These extracted files are the ones that will appear on the screen in SmartMusic. Next, in the File menu choose New >> SmartMusic Accompaniment Wizard. Choose either the second or third option, depending on whether you're looking for intelligent accompaniment (where it follows you) or assessment (where it grades you).
If you choose the second radio button, you'll get a dialog box asking you to open your file. Choose the Score file you downloaded and open it. Go to the file menu >> Save Special >> Save as SmartMusic Accompaniment. Choose the Solo instrument, accompaniment staves, instrument type, and click the Select button to choose the Extracted solo part for display in SmartMusic.
If you choose the last radio button, you'll be taken to a wizard where you can select to open one of the extracted parts. Open the solo piece you want displayed in SmartMusic, choose the appropriate instrument and continue through the wizard. Once finished, it may inform you that some elements are not suitable for an assessment file. Make any changes to the file it asks for and then go to File >> Save Special >> Save as SmartMusic Accompaniment. You will be given an option to include an accompaniment file. Choose the original score you downloaded. Save your file.
To find these files in SmartMusic, go to File >> Open and look in the Finale-Family Generated Files. Browse to the folder you saved the smp files in and open your file. Windows XP, all updates
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 |  MotherofTen Registered Member
        Date Joined Jan 2005 Total Posts : 4 | Posted 1/29/2005 10:04 AM (GMT -6) |   | Tyler, Thank you for your detailed answer to my query, and thank you for answering my other post as well. | Back to Top | |
 |  trumpetbob42 Registered Member
        Date Joined Mar 2005 Total Posts : 4 | Posted 3/23/2005 3:37 PM (GMT -6) |   | What are the copyrights with that? Can i buy sheet music for a solo and take that to make my own accompaniment using Finale? Then can I take that and share that accompaniment file with others who have purchased the sheet music as well? | Back to Top | |
 |  Carla @ MakeMusic MakeMusic

       Date Joined Jan 2004 Total Posts : 1664 | Posted 4/4/2005 10:38 AM (GMT -6) |   |
An intellectual property attorney would be their best source for answers to copyright questions. With the disclaimer that I am not an attorney, here's my off-the-cuff response.
"Can I buy sheet music for a solo and take that to make my own accompaniment using Finale?"
As long as you've purchased the music and you're using it for your own (private) purposes, this should be fine.
"Then can I take that and share that accompaniment file with others who have purchased the sheet music as well?"
I don't think this is a problem either, as long as you are privately sharing your work among friends, who also own the sheet music. Who knows if the copyright holders would agree with me, but it seems reasonable - you're just doing work for friends that could do it themselves since they have the sheet music.
The problem comes if you post these files PUBLICLY for sharing. You might then need the same kind of multimedia license that MakeMusic has for all of our SM accompaniments, and would be required to pay royalties on it. I have no idea how publishers would respond to a request from an individual, but it's certainly worth a stamp to find out.
The Finale Showcase is strictly original works or Public Domain. On the Finale Showcase, if we see a copyrighted piece of music posted we remove it as an infringement of copyright.
If you have requests for songs to add to the SmartMusic accompaniments, please just drop us a note at smartmusic@makemusic.com.
Hope this helps!
MakeMusic! Inc.
These on-line forums are intended for the exchange of ideas among the users of MakeMusic products. If you'd like individual help from our technical support staff, please contact them directly via email at winsupport@makemusic.com or macsupport@makemusic.com or call 952-937-9703.
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 |  brianmyrick Registered Member
        Date Joined Aug 2005 Total Posts : 2 | Posted 8/21/2005 5:09 PM (GMT -6) |   | So what kind of license would I need for Smart Music accompaniments? It isn't a mechanical license - thats for recorded performances. It isn't synchro, thats for synchronizing to video. I'll ask an IP attorney, but it would be helpful if I knew the right question to ask (it'll save some money).
Thanks | Back to Top | |
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