I've been playing with SmartMusic and think that maybe Finale Performance Assessment is more appropriate for my teaching situation. I have some questions about FPA in general. I also have some questions about FPA in comparison to SmartMusic. Am I better off asking those questions here or through the Finale forum?
In case this is the right place to ask, here are my questions:
1. In Finale Performance Assessment the student can view the music while a cursor tracks the place in the music where the student should be playing. Is this also a feature in SmartMusic? My students (3rd graders) are just beginning recorder and most need the visual to help them learn to follow the music.
2. In regards to FPA, why can't I notate repeats or multimeasure rests? Will these features ever be available in FPA?
3. Will the practice record that SmartMusic has ever be a feature in FPA? I'd love to have the info for my recorder players.
Thanks for your help. |