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Peter Thomsen
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   Posted 5/1/2002 9:30 AM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
I think I have found a feature that is not documented.

Recently I created a measure assigned text block. I used the Mass Mover Tool to copy the text block to several other measures. Later I corrected a spelling error in one of the text blocks, and - tada - the spelling error was also corrected in the other copies of that text block.

It seems that when you copy a measure assigned text block, Finale does not duplicate the text contents. Instead, Finale creates a new text block with the same measure attributes as the original text block, and displays the same (un-duplicated) text contents in both text blocks.

However, I can't find any mentioning about this feature anywhere in the online documentation. Can you?

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Sebastian Huydts
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   Posted 5/3/2002 4:07 AM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
I think this is a feature left over from many
versions ago (remember the days when
you needed to go into that window to edit
text??) And no, it isn't mentioned, and I
don't find it handy at all times.

Speaking of copying: The mass mover
does not copy measure assigned text
blocks between files (I don't know if it ever
did, I started missing this feature in
2000.) Is this a bug left unrepaired?
Anyone have a work around other than
copy text block by text block using the text

Sebastian Huydts
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   Posted 5/4/2002 7:26 AM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
I guess this would be a bug, until it is documented. Then it would become a feature.
I think that this "bug" mat come in handy for me.

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Peter Thomsen
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   Posted 5/7/2002 8:36 PM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
I can see a situation when this "feature" is not so convenient:

Imagine that the different text blocks in different measures should have different text contents, but the same frame attributes (position in measure). In that case you would have to create each text block and set its frame attributes manually. Because you can't copy the two frame attributes parameters that set the position in measure, and transfer those parameters to other text blocks in other measures. Or can you?

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