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   Posted 9/3/2016 7:44 AM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
I wouldn't downplay the porting; I would question why the original was difficult to port. Usually, programmers make assumptions about the size of objects; it's better to prepare for really big numbers in the first editions. Hopefully, the 64-bit version will be easier to maintain (fewer overflows to worry about).

Finale 2014.5, 25
GWI, GPO4, GPO5, JABB 3, Steinway Basic, COMB2

Windows 10 Pro HP Envy Desktop
Windows 10 Home HP Portable

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   Posted 9/3/2016 8:01 AM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
Ralph L. Bowers Jr. said...
I don't know why (MM) does not come to some agreement with Jari to include at least the six most useful (for me) plugins with Finale.
JW Change
JW Staff Polyphony
JW Meter and Rhythm
JW Pattern
JW Change Pitches
JW Yada Yada Tremolo

I use JW Copy Part Layout the most and it saves me hours of work.

Arthur J. Michaels


Finale 2000, 2001, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2011b.r2, 2014d, 2014.5 (currently using 2014.5)
Core i7 860 @ 2.80 GHz, 8.0 GB RAM, Windows 10 Home x64
Garritan COMB2, GPO4, GPO5, Aria Player 1.872, Audacity 2.1.2
Dell 2408 WFP, 1920x1200
M-Audio Delta Audiophile 2496
Casio WK-3000
M-Audio AV40 monitors
AKG K-240 Studio headphones
Brother MFC-L2740DW printer

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   Posted 9/3/2016 11:09 AM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
I am happy that many of Jari's plug-ins are not built into the Finale package since Jari has been known for enhancing and troubleshooting his far faster than MM has been known to correct its bugs in the past.

Finale 2014.5, Finale 25 - Windows 7
GPO 5, JABB 3, World Instruments
TG Tools Full, (Sonar Platinum)

“Outside of a dog, a book is a man’s best friend. Inside of a dog it’s too dark to read.” — Groucho Marx

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   Posted 9/4/2016 4:19 PM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
Ron. said...
Ironically, a few years ago some users were excoriating MM because they had not yet ported to 64-bit. It got very heated. Now that they have gone to 64-bit some users are down-playing the effect that 64-bit processing has. You just can't win, it seems.

I don't think that is a fair characterization of the arguments. Indeed, a 32-bit app in 2016 has about the same credibility as a MS-DOS C: prompt app in 2002. You have to remain somewhere on the current playing field to be taken at all seriously. In fact, Finale fell completely off the Mac playing field and had to complete this work just to be back in the game.

We can all wish that more progress had been made in parallel with the necessary 64-bit upgrade. But at least that is done, the resulting product seems to be quite stable, and it did mostly accomplish the ability to use the wide range of 64-bit VST technology.
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   Posted 9/4/2016 4:23 PM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
Craig said: "Indeed, a 32-bit app in 2016 has about the same credibility as a MS-DOS C: prompt app in 2002." Then why are so many pooh-poohing it here? That's all I was pointing out.

Finale 25

GPO5, JaBB3, GIO, COMB2, GWI, GIFF, Steinway Basic.

Windows 7; 10 GB RAM.

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   Posted 9/4/2016 6:43 PM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
Ron. said...
Craig said: "Indeed, a 32-bit app in 2016 has about the same credibility as a MS-DOS C: prompt app in 2002." Then why are so many pooh-poohing it here? That's all I was pointing out.

Because in just under 3 years, that's about all that has been delivered. I don't think that anybody who asked for 64-bit support has complained about the 64-bit support. And I believe the majority of people who pointed our the need for the 64-bit conversion understood that wasn't primarily for performance reasons.

To the extent that there is "pooh-poohing" going on here it is from people who don't understand the issues. Most who advocated 64-bit support were clear it was for access to 64-bit VSTs, larger address spaces, and keeping current with operating systems.

It had to be done. And it demanded a high priority. I just wish that more could be accomplished in less time because there are so many needs. I would like to hear from the MakeMusic people with the road map they expect to follow from here.
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   Posted 9/4/2016 7:02 PM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
That's not quite "about all that has been delivered." MM has undergone a majoring restructuring, moved across the country, losing a significant portion of their staff and having to bring new staff up-to-speed, as well as being absorbed by new owners who also needed time to understand what they had bought. Considering all that, and the effort to port to 64-bit architecture (which is hardly as minor as some who were busy insulting MM staff three years ago were suggesting), MM has addressed a number of outstanding issues, and delivered a robust and workable product.

Yes, it can be improved and there are some outstanding issues that need addressing. But, having said all that, how about acknowledging what they have accomplished instead of dismissing it or complaining that they didn't do it soon enough to suit you?

Finale 25

GPO5, JaBB3, GIO, COMB2, GWI, GIFF, Steinway Basic.

Windows 7; 10 GB RAM.

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   Posted 9/4/2016 7:08 PM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
Ron. said...
MM has undergone a majoring restructuring, moved across the country, losing a significant portion of their staff and having to bring new staff up-to-speed, as well as being absorbed by new owners who also needed time to understand what they had bought.

Those things aren't deliverables. I can be sympathetic to the circumstances, but they were the choices the company made, after all. And those choices put the user base in the position of going for 3 years with practically no new useful function.

IMHO, this is why the company should be forthcoming about the road map they are planning to pursue.
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