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   Posted 12/6/2005 9:01 AM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
I use a lot of software with copy protection:East West Platinum, Strom Drum RA. Waves Plug-ins, Spectrasonics RMX Atmosphere, Pro Tools and more.
They all work pretty effortlessly.
I have had endless nightmares with Smartmusic. I have 5 computers at school, none that are on the internet. They are in practice rooms, so it is a HUGE pain to move them to activate them. I also need to hastle with installing browser software and configuring them for the internet, ONLY to use SmartMusic. These computers get used a lot so often crash. (two of my 4 G5 Imacs crashed. I can't tell you what a pain it is to get SmartMusic working again after this happens.
Latest case:
Yesterday I had my laptop in front of the class to demonstrate some features. When I tried to load SmartMusic I got the dreaded "Let's Activate your Subscription. It expired on November 10th, 2006."
My heart sank.
I spent 10 minutes hooking it up to the internet, logging in Yadayada and tried re-activation and it said.
"Error 00000000005000"
Lecture over.
50 kids in my school have bought it. 10 are not using it because of activation problems.
I LOVE this program, but find their unique "MUST BE ON THE INTERNET" requirement almost insurmountable. Why can't they do it like every other music software I have used?
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   Posted 1/28/2006 12:06 PM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
I use SmartMusic on my laptop, and have had non-stop problems.  My computer has a built-in wireless card that automatically picks up any signal that's around.  If I move my laptop to a different location (and that's really the point of having a laptop, isn't it?) then SmartMusic thinks I have tried to move it to a different computer, and won't let me log in.  So, I have had to call and call and call the tech service line, which is a pain, but has worked.  However, if I want to practice on the weekends and it happens, I am out of luck.  Wish they would fix this problem.
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Carla @ MakeMusic

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   Posted 1/30/2006 10:46 AM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.

Sorry to hear you had problems with SmartMusic. I don't think you actually needed to hook it up to the internet for that computer. From the errors you've described, it sounds like the system clock is incorrect. Once you reset the system date to the correct day, SmartMusic should recognize that your subscription is still within the active time frame.


We're very much aware that some wireless cards don't work well with the activation system. We're working on ways to adapt for this. Is there any way for you to temporarily turn off the wireless autosearch? It's been a while since I did SmartMusic troubleshooting, so Tyler or one of the SmartMusic specialists at MM tech support might have some better advice.

Unfortuantely, the requirement that SmartMusic tries to "call home" is part of our agreement with the publishers. When you update your subscription, it also sends information about what songs have been played. We then pay the publishers the royalties based on this information. If we didn't pay royalties, the publishers would not give permission for us to include them in the catalog.


MakeMusic, Inc.

These on-line forums are intended for the exchange of ideas among the users of MakeMusic products. If you'd like individual help from our technical support staff, please contact them directly at or call 952-937-9703.

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   Posted 1/31/2006 10:46 AM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.

"I don't think you actually needed to hook it up to the internet for that computer."


This is great news!! Please tell me how I can activate subscribtions on my computers without having to get them on the internet. This will really save me a lot of headache as I mentioned in my initial post.
Thanks for the reply!!
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Carla @ MakeMusic

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   Posted 1/31/2006 12:39 PM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
I think you've misunderstood me. You didn't need the internet *for that computer.* From your description, I don't think *that particular computer* had lost its activation. It just needed to have the system clock restored.

You would still need to connect the computer to the internet for the initial activation.


MakeMusic, Inc.

These on-line forums are intended for the exchange of ideas among the users of MakeMusic products. If you'd like individual help from our technical support staff, please contact them directly at or call 952-937-9703.

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   Posted 2/1/2006 9:23 AM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
You would still need to connect the computer to the internet for the initial activation.
Oh. Darn.
It was in fact a clock problem, yet Smart Music said "Let's Activate Your Subscription", and then gave me an undeciphereable series of numbers when I tried to. Would be nice if instead it said "Please check to see the clock is set correctly"
At least I will know next time to check.
All of my other music programs (listed above) give you the option to register from a different computer. Do you ever foresee this becoming an option? Am I the only one that uses Smart Music in practice rooms that dont have internet connection?
Thanks again for the replies.
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