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   Posted 10/21/2002 9:51 AM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
I have just downloaded/installed Finale Notepad 2003 and had a few questions.

first, how do i switch key signatures in the middle of the piece? say start off on C major and switch to F major in the middle? If I can't do this in notepad, which product do I need?

Another thing I hit - setting up a part for a woodwind instrument - I can tell it Clarinet in Bb, or Clarinet in A. How do I specify Eb, C, and D soprano clarinets? Also Alto clarinet, and contrabass clarinet? Do the other products support more instruments, or the creation of my own 'type'?


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Dan Powers
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   Posted 10/21/2002 12:26 PM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
>first, how do i switch key
>signatures in the middle of
>the piece? say start off on C
>major and switch to F major in
>the middle? If I can't do
>this in notepad, which product
>do I need?

You can't do this in Notepad, but you can in all other Finale-related programs.

>Another thing I hit - setting
>up a part for a woodwind
>instrument - I can tell it
>Clarinet in Bb, or Clarinet in
>A. How do I specify Eb, C,
>and D soprano clarinets? Also
>Alto clarinet, and contrabass
>clarinet? Do the other
>products support more
>instruments, or the creation
>of my own 'type'?

This is possible in Finale. I don't know about PrintMusic or Allegro.

Dan Powers
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Jim Coull
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   Posted 10/21/2002 3:22 PM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
>Do the other products support more instruments, or the creation of my own 'type'?

I don't know about Allegro, but PrintMusic includes a few more of the instruments you requested (Alto & bass clarinets). For those not included, you can add a staff and create the appropriate name and transposition for most of the instruments. For example, you will not be able to get the contra bass clarinet exactly correct because there is no transposition of 2 octaves plus a major second. You could set up the C and D clarinets though.

Although I haven't tried it, I believe that you can add instruments to the instrument.txt document in PrintMusic. After you have that document configured correctly, you might be able to get the correct transposition for the contra bass clarinet and any other instruments that are not included in the default list.

Good luck.

Jim Coull
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   Posted 10/21/2002 5:16 PM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
thank you , both.
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Peter Thomsen
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   Posted 10/21/2002 9:19 PM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
Not only in Finale/Allegro/PrintMusic, but also in NotePad 2003 you can add instruments to the instrument.txt document. I have copied my Finale 2003 instrument.txt document to the NotePad folder, and it works!

And you can edit the NotePad folder's pagesizes.txt document. If e. g. you always use the A4 page size, you might like to move A4 to the top of the pagesizes.txt document.

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