MakeMusic Forum > Public Forums > FinaleScript - FORUM HAS MOVED! > Script for inserting copyright and other things | Forum Quick Jump
| James L Registered Member
Date Joined Oct 2009 Total Posts : 46 | Posted 3/17/2011 9:38 PM (GMT -6) | | Not sure if this thread is still alive. I use a script like this one to insert text boxes:
process folder // zoom text tool menu item "view/zoom/other..." type "200" button "ok" // insert text double click type raw "your information goes here" press return type raw "and more information if you need it" wait 1 second // Setting the font (### Font menus in 2011 are different from 2010 font menus. ) menu item "select all" menu item "text/font/times new roman/italic" menu item "text/size/other..." type "10" check "fixed size" button "ok" // Allocating text to the first page only (as an example) menu item "Frame Attributes..." click radio "Page" popup "Single Page" near "attach to" press "ok" //set the alignment and justification menu item "text/alignment/right" menu item "text/alignment/bottom*" menu item "text/justification/right" // menu item "view/zoom/other..." type "100" button "ok"
A few points.
The purpose of zooming in on the page is to ensure that when the "double click" command is executed it is actually double clicking on part of the page and not on blank space. It is also a sneaky way to call the mouse pointer to the centre of the screen, which is where the zoom dialogue box is located by default. The "wait 1 second" command after typing a long line of text seems to be necessary, otherwise the script will try to carry on without completing the text. I think there's an easier way to set the font, but I can't recall it now. Text alignments can be handled through the Frame Attributes dialogue box, but I ran into a glitch when changing the popup/dropdown menus in the Frame Attributes when running a batch process. To keep it simple, I've just used the corresponding menu items from the text menu. (Alternatively, there's a hack you can use if you really want to change these settings via the Frame Attributes dialogue box). ### Font menus in 2011 now require you to select the style (bold, italic, regular etc.) of many (not all) fonts. If you run this script on 2010 you'll have to chop off the '/italic' part of the font menu item. Fonts can also be handled through the Character Settings dialogue box, although there are now two lists in there that may make scripting difficult.
If your text box is using File Info data, you can just insert that instead of typing it into the newly created text box. If you replace the first section of the script with the following, it will refer to the File Info. I can't get my File Info to accept multiple lines of text, which is limiting. Every time I try to enter text after hitting the return key it just wipes the previous line of text that it just entered.
text tool menu item "File Info..." type "your information goes here" near "Description" button "ok" // menu item "view/zoom/other..." type "200" button "ok" double click menu item "text/inserts/description"
Anywho, I hope some of that is of use in some way. Finale 2000, 2004-2011c.r1 Dual 2.0GHz Power PC G5, 3.5GB RAM, OS 10.4.11 MacBook Pro, 2.8GHz, 4GB RAM, OS 10.6.6 Sibelius 5.0-6.1 | Back to Top | | Forum Information | Currently it is Tuesday, December 19, 2023 7:55 PM (GMT -6) There are a total of 403,820 posts in 58,165 threads. In the last 3 days there were 0 new threads and 0 reply posts. View Active Threads
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