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   Posted 4/8/2002 1:21 AM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
Hello, all !

how could I beam eighth notes across a eighth rest within a 6/8 beat without beaming the second
eight-note (the one after the rest) to the double grace notes that come before it ? all I have tried
(Document Settings and Options, Mass Mover -> Rebeam, Speedy and Special Tools) didn't worked until
now. Could someone help me ? thanks in advance.

P.S: by the way, I am using Finale 2002a.
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Tom A
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   Posted 4/8/2002 3:25 AM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
If I understand your question, it seems
Finale will do what you want
automatically, if you set up the meter
signature to be 2 beats of dotted quarters
(rather than literally 6 beats of eighth

See attached file.

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   Posted 4/13/2002 7:48 AM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.

Thanks for the response. Although I
could not open the attached file you sent me
(my computer could not find out the format)
nevertheless your suggestion fixed the issue.
Thanks again.

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