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Ron Ross
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   Posted 9/9/2011 8:09 AM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
I'm writing an anthology of musical examples to accompany a textbook I've just completed. I need to export the music to a Word document (which is the word processor software I am using for the narrative lead-in to the music). When I wrote the main book, I used PrintMusic 2010 for the book's music examples. Exporting the music to the text (Word) was fairly reliable. Now, with the anthology, I'm using Finale 2011, much more powerful, of course. But, for some reason I cannot import multiple pages of a score to Word. The first page imports fine; but with the second page, the right hand side of the music is cut off. Has anyone mastered exporting/importing multiple-page scores to Word using Finale 2011?
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   Posted 9/9/2011 10:38 AM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
You should make the Finale page size something that fits within the Word document's margins. For example, if your Word page is 8.5x11, and your margins are 1/2" on all sides, the Finale page should be less than 7.5x10. That would be if you didn't have any Word text on the page. If you have any, the Finale page needs to be smaller. If you're just using small excerpts, you can export selections, instead of full pages, or set your page size to the size of the excerpt (like a page that's 4" wide and 2" tall, for example.

Finale 2008b • MacBook Pro 2.2 GHz • OS10.4.11 • 4GB Ram

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Ron Ross
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   Posted 9/15/2011 6:59 AM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
I thank 'migman' for the helpful response to my earlier query about problems exporting Finale to Word. I'm still having problems merging text and music into a draft of an anthology on early music that I'm writing. The current unresolved issue is that when I print the "blended" document (text and music), the music has been reduced by about 25% or even as much as a third. The music is centered on the page so I don't wish to grab a handle and drag it one way or the other. This reduction does not occur when exporting a selection or when printing a one-page Finale example, just during exporting of a multiple-page score. Has anyone encountered this type of problem?
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Christopher Smith
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   Posted 9/15/2011 9:20 AM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
What format are you exporting in from Finale? I use PDF now, since Pages allows PDF importing. Does Word allow this? I often resize my examples, and the measurement numbers that pop up when I drag a handle on an example allow me to preserve proportions and drag to an exact width or height.

I don't know if Word supports PDF import. I try to avoid Word as much as possible because I hate it and it raises my blood pressure. Sorry I can't be more helpful.

Christopher Smith

Mac 2 x 2 Ghz Dual-Core Intel Xeon
OSX 10.6
Finale 2011b
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OSX 10.4.11
Finale 2010b r.1

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Ron Ross
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   Posted 9/15/2011 9:33 AM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
Last year, when I wrote the main text I used Finale PrintMusic 2010. Several of the book's musical examples were multiple pages; I had to export them to Word (2004) one page at a time. I exported with jpg back then. It was labor intensive but I did not encounter the reduction issue I'm facing now with Finale 2011. I tried exporting this year for the Anthology with jpg but encountered several problems. I communicated with Finale tech support at MakeMusic. Their recommendation was to export in tif and increase the dpi to 600. That has yet to work consistently. Exporting with pdf leaves me with fainter resolution for the music examples. Do you think Word is the culprit in this caper?
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Christopher Smith
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   Posted 9/15/2011 12:23 PM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
I don't know what you mean by "fainter resolution." Do you mean you get jaggies? You shouldn't, if you are exporting directly from Finale (not converting a bit-map like a jpg.)

Are you seeing on-screen anti-aliasing that looks like the edges are fuzzy? Don't worry about that, as it is only for the screen display. It should print crisp and clean.

PDF (and EPS, if it worked properly in Finale) is perfectly resizeable without aliasing (jaggies forming), that's why it is the highest-quality export you can use. 600 DPI bitmaps are probably as high-resolution as your printer, but as soon as you resize them, even a little bit, they develop jaggies as artifacts of aliasing.

Christopher Smith

Mac 2 x 2 Ghz Dual-Core Intel Xeon
OSX 10.6
Finale 2011b
Mac iBook G4 733 Mhz
OSX 10.4.11
Finale 2010b r.1

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Ron Ross
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   Posted 9/15/2011 12:33 PM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
I am exporting directly from Finale. The "fainter resolution" may simply be a byproduct of the reduction in size that occurs. Have you exported multiple-page scores to Word or to a similar word processing software? If so, with or without the difficulties I am describing?
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Michael Pitts
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   Posted 9/15/2011 9:37 PM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.

If I understand what's been posted, it sounds like you’re exporting the page, margins & all. I use Apple’s Pages instead of Word(near enough the same thing). I’ve had similar problems trying to figure out the best way to have a lot of easily edit-able text with beautiful looking excerpts of sheet music.

I haven’t figured out how to export pages, in order, from Finale and place them within a Pages file without the reduction in size you describe.

A workaround is to do it one page at a time from Finale using the Graphic Tool >Export Selection. Here’s the how to find it in the Finale User Manual:

Search: graphics menu
Click: Export Selection
Then Click: Export Selection and Export Pages dialog boxes.

Here’s the first bit of what you get:
How to get there
From the View menu, choose Page View. Click the Graphics Tool  . Choose Export Pages from the Graphics menu to display the Export Pages dialog box. Or, double-click and drag to enclose the musical excerpt you want to export. Choose Export Selection from the Graphics menu to display the Export Selection dialog box.
What it does
Whether you choose Export Selection or Export Pages, the dialog box settings are the same, except for the title. The only difference is that you’re either exporting a selected region , or exporting an entire page (or range of pages). Use this dialog box to export pages of your score into a graphics file format usable in other programs such as word processing or desktop publishing programs.

Here's my process: In the Finale file, click on the Graphics Tool. Turn on the Grid(under View: pull down>Grid/Guide>Show Grid). Then follow the double-click and drag(etc.) instructions.

This will also number the pages in Word/Pages, instead of having to delete it all in Finale.

I have experienced the fainter resolution when importing from Finale into Pages, as well. Don’t know why, but, it seems to print with full resolution.

Hope it helps,

MacBookPro 1.83 GHz Intel Dual Core
Mac OS X 10.6.4
Finale 2006d, 2008br.1 & 2011b.r2

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Ron Ross
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   Posted 9/16/2011 7:35 AM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
Yesterday afternoon I came to the same conclusion you have recommended: use Export Selection instead of Export Pages. I had used the former last year with my book, whose music examples were created in PrintMusic 2010. I had little difficulty exporting then. PrintMusic is obviously a much less powerful music notation software than Finale 2011, which I am now using, but it is more dependable when exporting.

I appreciate your help. Thanks.

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