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   Posted 6/10/2002 12:55 PM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.

If you are about the quote the manual for
any of these problems, you can save
yourself the trouble, because they are not
addressed there. (If so only
tangentially-need a Finale expert here)
1) Sometimes my lyrics move when I go
from verse to verse. I don't change
anything, I just come back to them and
they have moved. I try adjusting
baselines with numbers and with the little
triangles. Still nothing moves. My only
solution is to delete them and re-click all
of it.
2) The *&$ thing "over-optimizes" . I will
ask to optimize a system, and it will take
out staves that have notes in them! This
is a REAL pain, because I end on
un-optimizing and re-optimizing to fix it.
(Hard to catch too). This had GOT to be a
3) (Had a bad finale weekend). I ask the
thing to copy with the mass mover under
copy entries - I select notes (or whatever
the term is for them) and let's say note
expressions. I purposely do NOT select
copy lyrics. But what does the thing do-it
copies the lyrics.
4) Quasi- normal question-is there any
way to "freeze" a system so it won't move
off the bottom of the page to the next
page. I go and look at it and it's on the
right page, I print and the stupid thing has
moved again.
5) Got any more ideas on improving
internal speaker playback and I'll take it.
Anyone tried to Roland instruments
plug-in/library. Thinking of trying that next.

Thanks so much for putting up with my
frustration. Go to do orchestra parts
next-yikes! Unfortunately these problems
may just be the tips of the icebergs.


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M Copyist
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   Posted 6/10/2002 1:12 PM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
Would love to help, but more info would be

Hardware config-
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   Posted 6/10/2002 1:19 PM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
2) I'd turn off Automatic Update Layout if I were you. Optimization depends on the way things look *right now*. If it is followed by an update layout, that can change the layout of systems, and render the optimization invalid.

I had this happen to me with a transposing clarinet part. Its key signature had two more sharps than the other instruments currently playing, and it was not playing at all on the current system. Optimization removed it (correctly), but because it was gone, the key signature in the system didn't take up as much space, so update layout found it could fit an extra measure on the system, and that measure was where the clarinet entered again. If I had reoptimized at that point, the clarinet would have reappeared. But if I followed that with another update layout, that last measure would have gotten shoved into the next system again, and so on. It's a circularity problem.

Moral: don't update layout once systems are optimized. Or freeze the systems and set update layout to not touch the frozen systems.
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Peter Thomsen
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   Posted 6/11/2002 12:20 AM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
Apart from turning off Automatic Update Layout you might also try to do a "manual" layout update (Edit menu) after editing, but before printing. The layout update might reveal that the bottom system on a page has been pushed down to the next page.

You wrote:

"Sometimes my lyrics move when I go
from verse to verse. I don't change
anything, I just come back to them and
they have moved. I try adjusting
baselines with numbers and with the little
triangles. Still nothing moves. My only
solution is to delete them and re-click all
of it."

A. It is not clear what you are doing. What do you mean by saying
"I go from verse to verse"?

When looking at the score in the document window you can switch between different verses via

Lyrics menu > Specify Current Lyric...

But you can also switch between verse when you are inside the Edit Lyrics dialog box.

B. When you want to adjust the baseline of verse 1, you have to be in verse 1 (check the above mentioned "Specify Current Lyric...").

You wrote:

" I ask the
thing to copy with the mass mover under
copy entries - I select notes (or whatever
the term is for them) and let's say note
expressions. I purposely do NOT select
copy lyrics. But what does the thing do-it
copies the lyrics."

I am unable to reproduce that behavior in Finale 2002.
I created a document with a little song, and I attached a note expression to a note.
Then I told Mass Mover Tool to "Copy Entry Items...".
In the Entry Items dialog box I selected "Note Expressions" and "Entries...".
In the Entry Modifications dialog box I selected "Check Accidentals".
- And Finale copied the entries and the note expression, but not the lyrics.

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Simon Andrews
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   Posted 6/11/2002 4:39 PM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
I have the same lyric copying problem every time: even tho Copy lyrics is unselected it copies the lyrics. Just for a laugh I once selected the "none" button, and sure enough, when I cut and pasted, there were the lyrics. . .
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