I have Avoid Lyric Collisions checked and occasionally I still have lyric collisions, but usually only after optimization or adding new staves. I found that it's usually not the lyrics that are colliding, but the melody notes to which they are attached.
Retranscribing from Mass Edit corrects the note problem instantly but the lyrics also instantly disappear.
There are several fixes. You can go to Speedy Entry and physically drag the melody notes to their proper positions. The lyrics will follow.
This next one was found on a recent thread-You can go to Tools>Advanced Tools>Special Tools>Note Position and select the handle of the offending note. Then hit backspace and the note will be put in its proper position and the lyrics will be spaced correctly
You can also go to Tools>Advanced Tools>Note Mover and select the handle of the note and just move it in the general direction that it needs to go. It will be placed correctly and you don't have to manually align it.
While there are several options to correct this problem, it seems that this should not be happening in the first place.... Ah well, easier said than done.
Roger Fox
F2k3a/P4/2.4ghz/XPHome/512mram/Ancient Princeton Graphics Monitor |