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Erin Vork
Notation and Garritan Product Specialist

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   Posted 3/27/2014 11:49 AM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
As has been reported here, Finale 2014 is susceptible to crashes in ways that Finale 2012 was not. We've done some considerable research into these reports, and we've found a few culprits that seem to account for most of the issues. We’re currently working on fixes for these. Here are the major offenders, the ways to identify them, and the best ways to keep them from happening to you:

Crash after sleeping:
We’ve had this reported on 10.8 and 10.9, and Apple has confirmed that there is a defect on their side that’s responsible for this. If Finale is left open when the computer goes to sleep (or the lid is closed on a laptop), there is an increased chance that it will crash when the computer wakes back up. This is usually pretty easy to detect in the crash log. You’ll have something that looks like this:

Sleep/Wake UUID: 453D5295-907C-4D20-BCD6-D65B8DB68087
Crashed Thread: XX Dispatch queue:
Thread XX Crashed:: Dispatch queue:
0 ??? 0x796031f0 0 + 2036347376
1 0x90593b8a HALPropertyListener::Call(unsigned long, unsigned long, AudioObjectPropertyAddress const*) + 724
2 0x90591237 HALObject::PropertiesChanged(unsigned long, AudioObjectPropertyAddress const*) + 1569
3 0x9058f29d HALDeviceList::DeviceChangeListener_Helper(unsigned long, unsigned long, AudioObjectPropertyAddress const*, void*) + 219
4 0x9056504a __DeviceChangeListener_block_invoke_0 + 35

Crashing when using Speedy entry and scrolling with inertia
We’ve been able to reproduce a crash that happens when using scrolling with inertia (such as with a trackpad or Magic Mouse) while the Speedy entry frame is active. Merely using Speedy and a trackpad won’t necessarily cause a crash, but rapid scrolling and clicking has been shown to cause problems. In addition to the crashes, we’ve seen this behavior also result in music appearing (or sometimes disappearing) in other measures. Crash logs for this one will have a little more variance. We’ve had better luck diagnosing this issue by confirming that users are working with Speedy entry and a Magic Mouse. Turning off scrolling with inertia (in the Mac system preferences) seems to help prevent these issues.

Crashing when selecting the Text or Lyric tools
This one was discussed (and solved) here early on. If there is a conflict between Finale’s keyboard shortcuts and shortcuts set up in the Mac System Preferences, Finale can freeze, crash or refuse to launch. This will most often happen when a tool is selected that triggers the Text menu to appear, and the crash log will usually have something like this:

11 com.makemusic.Finale 0x002fb968 FindCocoaMenuWithKeyEquivalent(NSMenu*, NSString*, unsigned int) + 249
12 com.makemusic.Finale 0x002fb996 FindCocoaMenuWithKeyEquivalent(NSMenu*, NSString*, unsigned int) + 295
13 com.makemusic.Finale 0x002fb996 FindCocoaMenuWithKeyEquivalent(NSMenu*, NSString*, unsigned int) + 295
14 com.makemusic.Finale 0x002fc1ec removeAndCacheMenuKeyCommandIfInUse(long, NSString*, unsigned int) + 209
15 com.makemusic.Finale 0x005e964b FCCommandShortcut::MacSetMenuItemKeyShort(EMENU, unsigned short) const + 917
16 com.makemusic.Finale 0x005ea22a FCCommandTable::UpdateOneMenuItemText(long, EMENU, EMENU, unsigned long, FCMD_MODE) + 980

To avoid this, find these conflicting shortcuts (which are probably in your system preferences) and delete them:

1. With Finale closed, go to the Apple menu and choose System Preferences
2. Choose the Keyboard category and then click "Shortcuts" from the top
3. Click on "App Shortcuts" from the list on the left
4. Find any shortcuts that have been set up for Finale and delete them. Finale should now launch successfully.

Crash when opening MIDI files
This one can occur on both Mac and Windows: If the first thing you do upon installing (or reinstalling) Finale is open a MIDI file, Finale will crash. This is because opening a MIDI file does not copy the needed document styles into the user folder. The fix for this is to open a Default Document first and then open the MIDI file. From that point on, MIDI files will open normally (no need to open any other file first).

As always, if you run into crashes that don't fit into these categories, please send them in to our Tech Support team (the link to submit a support case is in my signature), and try to provide as much information as you can about what you were doing in Finale just before it crashed. Crash logs can be great, but they're even better with some context.

Erin Vork
Notation and Garritan Product Specialist
Product Management
MakeMusic, Inc.

Need technical help? Click here to submit a support case.

Post Edited (Erin Vork) : 4/8/2014 10:21:20 AM (GMT-5)

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Mike Rosen

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   Posted 3/27/2014 12:01 PM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
Although none of these affect me, thanks for keeping us in the loop!

Mike Rosen

Bass with Choir of the Sound
Volunteer notation editor (The Gang of Eight) for the Barbershop Harmony Society

Finale 2010, 2011, 2012c, 2014a on Mac 10.9.1
Simple Entry, QWERTY keyboard. That's my system, and I'm stickin' to it.

"As a musician, he's a damn fine woodworker."

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Dr. Wiggy
Early music: modern methods

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   Posted 3/27/2014 2:45 PM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.

What about the crashes with particular hardware configurations?
Erin Vork said...
Turning off scrolling with inertia (in the Mac system preferences) seems to help prevent these issues.

I'm hoping that this is considered a workaround until the problem is otherwise fixed?

"This is me helping."

Finale 2014a, 2012 MacMini; 2012 MacBook Pro (10.9.2)
Edirol FA-66; M-Audio Oxygen 61; Yamaha PSR-410, HP Laserjet 5200 DTN
Ancient Groove Music

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Erin Vork
Notation and Garritan Product Specialist

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   Posted 3/27/2014 2:58 PM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
Hi Wiggy,

We've seen more crashes from the particular issues that I mention here than we have from hardware configurations, so I wanted to get those out first. But I can certainly put together some info on hardware conflicts as well.

And yes, turning off inertia is a workaround. We're trying to get this one fixed (I love my Magic Mouse and scrolling with inertia!).

Erin Vork
Notation and Garritan Product Specialist
Product Management
MakeMusic, Inc.

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   Posted 3/27/2014 6:17 PM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
The only crashes I still get come when I close Finale 14a without closing all open files on Windows 8 (and 8.1.) This behavior does not occur on windows 7.

Finale 2011b & Finale 2012c & 2014</div>
GWI, GPO 4, JABB 3, Steinway Basic, COMB2

Windows 8.1 Dell XPS 8770

Finale 2011b & Finale 2012c & 2014

GWI, GPO 4, JABB 3, Steinway Basic, COMB2

Windows 7 Professional HP Pavillion dv7 Notebook

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   Posted 3/28/2014 2:22 AM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
Erin told what's exactly right. The crashes I've written about a lot are mainly caused by the combination of Speedy Entry and speed. The audio hardware is stable. The 3rd party instruments working fine with Finale 2014(Trillian, EZ Drummer, Superior Drummer).

MakeMusic (Erin Vork) has done a good job to investigate these problems.

CCMP (Cees Coenen Music Productions)


Finale 2014 - Logic Pro X - Ableton Live on OS X 10.9.1 (Mavericks)
Garritan JABB - Garritan Concert and Marching Band - EZ Drummer - Superior Drummer - Spectrasonics Omnisphere and Trillian

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Erin Vork
Notation and Garritan Product Specialist

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   Posted 3/28/2014 10:31 AM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
ttw said...
The only crashes I still get come when I close Finale 14a without closing all open files on Windows 8 (and 8.1.)

I'm working on a similar post for Windows issues. We are working on that particular crash as well!

Erin Vork
Notation and Garritan Product Specialist
Product Management
MakeMusic, Inc.

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   Posted 3/28/2014 10:57 AM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
I was actually about to purchase Finale 2014 for Mac, but after reading this forum and having numerous crashes of my own, I've decided against it. I'm currently using Finale 2012. I updated my 2014 trial to Finale 2014a, and now the program actually runs without crashing immediately, but still crashes immediately upon playback. I'm using OS X 10.7.5 with 8 Gb RAM and trying playback with the Aria engine and MOTU hardware. I guess I'll wait for Finale 2014b to see how that performs.

I was interested in the improvements in Human Playback. Is that just a matter of a global preferences dialog now, or are there actual improvements? I didn't see any specifics in the release notes.


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John Moody
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   Posted 4/10/2014 6:12 AM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
Finale is definitely crashing for me with that first category - sleep/wake. I guess I can rest assured that MakeMusic and Apple are working on updates that will solve the problem. In the mean time, if I just restart the program all is good.

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   Posted 4/25/2014 9:24 AM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
I'm using a MacBook Pro running with Mac OX 10.9.2, and Finale 2014a crashed inmediatly when I open a file. Sometimes Finale could keep the file open a few minutes, but it crashed after trying to use any of the entry tools. After that I delete de Finale app file from my computer and installed de Demo version, that recognized my serial nr. (I suppose, it's a 2014 version, not a 2014a ¿?).

Surprisely, it works...
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   Posted 5/21/2014 1:17 PM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
I'm getting a definite CONSTANT crash; when changing Staff-Names in Scoremanager!!
- sometimes I can change 2-3 names, but then it surely crashes! - mostly at first try.

Anyone else get this???

iMac (12,1), 2,5GHz, 8Gb RAM
Finale 2014a, (2012 c.r13, 2008 b r1, 2005, 2003, v.3, v.1.1)
Logic Pro 8
Lexicon i-ONIX FW810S
OS 10.5.8
OS 10.8.2

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Erin Vork
Notation and Garritan Product Specialist

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   Posted 5/22/2014 8:55 AM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
Hi RV,

Are you using an extended Mac keyboard when you work? We have found that using the ENTER key to dismiss the Staff Names dialog will crash Finale (FN+RETURN or clicking "OK" will not).

If that sounds like you're issue, I can tell you that it's written up. If you're doing something else, please let me know so I can make our developers aware of it.

Erin Vork
Notation and Garritan Product Specialist
Product Management
MakeMusic, Inc.

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   Posted 6/3/2014 7:50 AM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
Finale 2014 crashes a lot for me. Also, the cursor often stop working in Speedy Entry. For now, I am back to Finale 2012. This being my work, I cannot afford to go around some software problem. I am still wondering why I spent so much money on Finale 2014. Let me know when the bugs are fixed

Remi B
Mac OS X 10.9.3
Finale 2014

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15-yr Finale user

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   Posted 7/17/2014 1:07 PM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
Just purchased Finale 2014 and have serious problems with crashing.

1) On my Mac mini server (OS 10.7.5) the program crashes immediately on launch.
2) On my Macbook Pro (OS 10.9.4) the program crashes during the quit sequence.
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Mike Rosen

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   Posted 7/17/2014 1:54 PM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
Did the version you installed include the C update?

Mike Rosen

Bass with Choir of the Sound
Volunteer notation editor (The Gang of Eight) for the Barbershop Harmony Society

Finale 2010, 2011, 2012c, 2014b, but using 2012 again, on Mac 10.9.3
Simple Entry, QWERTY keyboard. That's my system, and I'm stickin' to it.

"As a musician, he's a damn fine woodworker."

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15-yr Finale user

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   Posted 7/17/2014 3:11 PM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
Yes. 2014C. Just downloaded it late yesterday.
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Mike Rosen

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   Posted 7/17/2014 4:55 PM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
Then I would suggest you send the crash log into tech support. You could also post it here, AS AN ATTACHMENT! Please don't post the log in full.

Mike Rosen

Bass with Choir of the Sound
Volunteer notation editor (The Gang of Eight) for the Barbershop Harmony Society

Finale 2010, 2011, 2012c, 2014b, but using 2012 again, on Mac 10.9.3
Simple Entry, QWERTY keyboard. That's my system, and I'm stickin' to it.

"As a musician, he's a damn fine woodworker."

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15-yr Finale user

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   Posted 7/20/2014 2:17 PM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
As suggested here is an attachment with the full crash report. I still get nothing but immediate crashes when trying to run Finale 2014 on my Mac mini-server

File Attachment :
CrashReport.pdf   82KB (application/pdf)
This file has been downloaded 892 time(s).
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Dr. Wiggy
Early music: modern methods

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   Posted 7/20/2014 2:22 PM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
You have an Apogee Duet. Make sure the drivers are up-to-date, and also turn it off and see if that stops the crashes.

"This is me helping."

Finale 2014a, 2012 MacMini; 2012 MacBook Pro (10.9.4)
Edirol FA-66; M-Audio Oxygen 61; Yamaha PSR-410, HP Laserjet 5200 DTN
Ancient Groove Music

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15-yr Finale user

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   Posted 7/20/2014 11:20 PM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
Apogee Duet has no bearing on the matter. Same result with or without.
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Dr. Wiggy
Early music: modern methods

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   Posted 7/21/2014 1:55 AM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
In that case send the log to tech support.

"This is me helping."

Finale 2014a, 2012 MacMini; 2012 MacBook Pro (10.9.4)
Edirol FA-66; M-Audio Oxygen 61; Yamaha PSR-410, HP Laserjet 5200 DTN
Ancient Groove Music

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Paul W. Palm
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   Posted 8/13/2014 8:54 AM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
Finale 2014c (Mac) also crashes when a new font is added to the system (MacOS 10.8.5) via Font Book. New font is available after restarting Finale with no further issues, but the crashing due to a new font being installed is consistent.
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Mike Rosen

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   Posted 8/13/2014 12:11 PM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
Please send this in to Tech Support. Posting here is no guarantee that they will see it.

Mike Rosen

Bass with Choir of the Sound
Volunteer notation editor (The Gang of Eight) for the Barbershop Harmony Society

Finale 2010, 2011, 2012c, 2014b, but using 2012 again, on Mac 10.9.3
Simple Entry, QWERTY keyboard. That's my system, and I'm stickin' to it.

"As a musician, he's a damn fine woodworker."

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Paul W. Palm
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   Posted 8/13/2014 12:38 PM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
I've never gotten a response from Finale, regardless of the current company name, since I began using Finale 1.0 (1990). No reason to assume they will begin listening now.
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Dr. Wiggy
Early music: modern methods

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   Posted 8/13/2014 12:49 PM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
Paul W. Palm said...
I've never gotten a response from Finale, regardless of the current company name, since I began using Finale 1.0 (1990). No reason to assume they will begin listening now.

You will aways get A response if you submit a technical support request through their Support pages. It might just be "we are aware of the problem and hope to fix it in a future version", but I find it hard to believe that you have never had a single response if you have successfully submitted.

"This is me helping."

Finale 2014a, 2012 MacMini; 2012 MacBook Pro (10.9.4)
Edirol FA-66; M-Audio Oxygen 61; Yamaha PSR-410, HP Laserjet 5200 DTN
Ancient Groove Music

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