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Daniel Firlej
Registered Member

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Date Joined Sep 2015
Total Posts : 18
   Posted 10/3/2015 2:47 PM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
script 1 - for Windows users
script for selecting all parts without Score in Parts/Score

//Written by Daniel Firlej
//To select all parts
menuitem "Page Layout\Systems\Edit Margins..."
//Selecting all parts without Score
click "Apply to*"
button "Check All"
select window "Select Parts*"
ctrl down arrow
ctrl down arrow
ctrl down arrow
ctrl down arrow
button "OK"

for Mac users
You must have "All Controls" option enabled in System Preferences->Keyboard and mouse->keyboard shortcuts

click "Apply to*"
button "Check All"
select window "Select Parts*"
cmd down arrow
button "OK"

script 2
Adding instruments in Score Manager

//Written by Daniel Firlej
//Adding instruments is Score Manager
menuitem "Window\Score Manager"
select tab "Instrument List"
button "Add Instrument..."
click "Blank Staff"

script 3
Adding Text in Score Manager

//Written by Daniel Firlej
//Adding instruments is Score Manager
menuitem "Window\Score Manager"
click "File Info"
type "ABCD" near "Title:"
//use type "..." near "XXX" for other informations
press ctrl + "K"

Post Edited (Daniel Firlej) : 10/4/2015 2:49:26 PM (GMT-5)

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