I'm trying to recreate french horn parts with the historical convention of showing no key signatures and showing accidentals on each note.
I'm notating a piece in f minor for horns in F.
I've made the horn parts have independent key signature and changed the key to C major. The transposition is set properly for horns in F (Up P5, Add 1 Sharp)
Playback seems to be working properly. However, the added sharp is giving me tsuris. Whenever there is an F it is playing as F#. Making it F natural results in the natural sign showing.
1. Is there a more elegant way to set up the horn parts?
2. If there is no more elegant solution, is there a way to hide the accidental?
Yep, in my world I'd show key signatures like every other instrument, but not an option here.
Finale 2.01->2012
Windows 7 |