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Carla @ MakeMusic

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Date Joined Jan 2004
Total Posts : 1664
   Posted 1/2/2008 11:12 AM (GMT -6)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.

MakeMusic, Inc. Forum Policy

The MakeMusic, Inc. forums are a site for users of MakeMusic, Inc. products to discuss music, software, computers, and other related topics with other users.

Forum Conduct
We expect MakeMusic forum users to treat each other with civility and respect.  Please refrain from using profanity in posts and personal attacks against fellow forum users.  Also please keep your posts free of non-constructive discussion, such as continual references to long-standing software issues and features already reported to MakeMusic.  Such acts can lead to thread editing or removal, account warnings or removal of forum access.

Role of the Moderator
Forum moderators are staff members of MakeMusic, Inc. and serve as the official representatives of MakeMusic, Inc. on the forums. The moderators will only post when circumstances require their intervention, as we feel the forums are a place for users to discuss what is important to them. These persons quietly monitor the forums for problems related to MakeMusic, Inc.’s products, as well as problems between forum users. The moderator has the ability to:

• Edit, lock and remove forum threads
• Warn or ban users from the forum

The decisions made by forum moderators are made with the full support of MakeMusic, Inc. It is important to note that it is not the moderator’s duty to log problems with MakeMusic Software that are reported only on the forum or to correct misleading or incomplete information provided by forum members. To communicate a software problem relating to a MakeMusic, Inc. product, please contact MakeMusic, Inc. Customer Support (see Product Support section).

Product Support
While the forums are hosted by MakeMusic, Inc., they are not a place to request or receive official product support. Official product support is only provided by MakeMusic, Inc. Customer Support online ( or by phone (952-937-9703)
MakeMusic, Inc. reserves the right to post responses to specific issues at the company’s discretion. An example of the circumstances requiring such a post would when serious product issues have arisen, and a communication is needed to be distributed as broadly as possible to MakeMusic, Inc. customers.


Incidents that warrant thread editing, locking, or removal
MakeMusic, Inc. takes our user’s freedom of speech very seriously. For this reason, MakeMusic, Inc. will not edit, lock or remove a forum thread or post unless circumstances require it. Forum thread edits will always be marked as such, and explanation of the edit will be provided both privately to the original poster, as well as publicly on the thread.
Types of incidents that may warrant a thread to be edited and or locked include, but are not limited to:

• Posting of abusive, profane, or threatening language directed towards fellow users.
• Posting of files or links pointing to files which contain copyrighted material without express permission.

• Requesting or disseminating files (such as templates) for the sole purpose of gaining functionality within children products.

• Posting advertisements or solicitation for outside products.

Thread removal will only be undertaken when absolutely necessary. A thread may be removed with or without providing notice to the thread creator or the forum at large.
Circumstances that may warrant threads to be removed included, but are not limited to:

• Threads whose sole purpose is a personal attack of other forum users.
• Threads which compromises the integrity of a MakeMusic, Inc. product’s authorization or activation process.

• Threads whose sole purpose is to solicit outside products.


MakeMusic, Inc. will not censor user opinions which may be negative of MakeMusic, Inc., except in extreme circumstances.

User Banning
MakeMusic, Inc. reserves the right to ban users from these forums. While it is not our intention to use this right, we will if circumstances require it. Incidents that can cause a user to be warned or banned from the forums:

• Repeated personal attacks against other forum users.
• “Trolling” threads whose sole purpose is to create arguments among forum users.
• Vituperative criticism of forum moderators regarding decisions made in the administration of this forum.
• Threads or replies posted by users who were previously banned and created new accounts under different names/email addresses.
• Posting copyrighted material on this forum without express permission.

• Solicitation of outside products.

• Repeated violations of forum policies.

Posting Copyrighted Material
Posting copyrighted material on these forums without express permission is not allowed. This includes posting files which are themselves copyrighted, or posting links to files that are copyrighted and should not be freely distributed. Posting copyrighted material can cause a user to be warned or banned from these forums.

Post Edited By Moderator (Forum Admin) : 10/2/2009 3:10:04 PM (GMT-5)

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