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   |  Zuill "The Troll"

       Date Joined Oct 2003 Total Posts : 29077 | Posted Yesterday 8:21 AM (GMT -6) |   | I suppose that, if the note is rare, one could use the bass clarinet for that one note, if it is easier. Or, buy GPO, which probably has an A clarinet. One can always use the SoftSynth, which doesn't have the low note limit.
Zuill "When all is said and done, more is said than done."
Win 7 64bit, 2011b, 2012c, 2014d, 2014.5
Favorite Forum quote: "Please, everybody, IGNORE THE TROLL!" | Back to Top | |
  |  Zuill "The Troll"

       Date Joined Oct 2003 Total Posts : 29077 | Posted Yesterday 12:44 PM (GMT -6) |   | |
 |  David Ward Registered Member

       Date Joined Aug 2009 Total Posts : 2834 | Posted Yesterday 3:05 PM (GMT -6) |   | This is something I've been vaguely meaning to try some time, especially with the low clarinets - and now chivvied along by this thread …
However, I'm still a little uncertain. Looking at the screenshots of the .sfz files, I'm fairly sure that to get the contrabass clarinet down from the current contrabass C to the B flat, what I have to do is to change the 'lokey' value arrowed from =24 to =22. However, how I should proceed with the Bass clarinet, which currently goes to the B natural below cello C, but ought to go down to the B flat, is a little less certain. Should I change the 'key=35' to 'hikey=35' and precede it with 'lokey=34' (the two instructions separated by spaces as with the Cb Clar)?
Would doing these things be a) correct and b) enough without any other changes? For instance: should I add 'pitch_keycenter=35' as an instruction when adding the extra low semitone to the B Clar?

 David Ward www.composers-uk.com/davidward
Finale 2014d with Mac 10.9.5 Finale 2010b with Mac 10.6.8 full TGTools
Since 2001 have used F 2001, 2003, 2007, 2009, 2010, 2014
“We enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought.” JFKPost Edited (David Ward) : 12/18/2015 2:30:25 PM (GMT-6)
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 CbCl.png 164KB (image/png)This image has been viewed 373 time(s). | Image Attachment :
 BsCl.png 161KB (image/png)This image has been viewed 365 time(s). | | |
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  |  Zuill "The Troll"

       Date Joined Oct 2003 Total Posts : 29077 | Posted Yesterday 4:59 PM (GMT -6) |   | I don't think it is just a matter of text. It has to direct the playback to a specific audio sample. If the sample doesn't exist, then there's no sound. At least, that is my result. For example, I tried to extend the Bb clarinet down one note. I duplicated the note 50 line and changed the value to 49, which should be concert C#. However, there is no C# clarinet audio sample. The only way I could get sound was to direct it to the Bass Clarinet C#2 audio sample. Does anyone else have a better workaround?
Zuill "When all is said and done, more is said than done."
Win 7 64bit, 2011b, 2012c, 2014d, 2014.5
Favorite Forum quote: "Please, everybody, IGNORE THE TROLL!" | Back to Top | |
   |  Zuill "The Troll"

       Date Joined Oct 2003 Total Posts : 29077 | Posted Yesterday 6:12 PM (GMT -6) |   | Not sure, but I believe the keycenter needs to match the audio sample pitch. So, for example, if I have 49 and 50 sharing an audio sample, the keycenter of 50 needs to then be matched by choosing D as the pitch of the sample.
Maybe I'm wrong, but that seems to be the way it looks in the list. From the folder with the audio samples, it appears not every pitch is sampled. So, whenever 2 or more pitches share a sample, the lowkey represents the lowest pitch triggereing the sample, and the highkey the highest note. Then, the keycenter is the MIDI value matching the pitch of the actual audio sample used.
P.S.: I'm not sure what the offset is, so I don't know if that needs changing. I created an extended Bass Clarinet file that goes to the Bb (Concert). As with the A Clarinet extension, I did the modification in 2 places in the file.
"When all is said and done, more is said than done."
Win 7 64bit, 2011b, 2012c, 2014d, 2014.5
Favorite Forum quote: "Please, everybody, IGNORE THE TROLL!" Post Edited (Zuill) : 12/18/2015 5:40:22 PM (GMT-6) | Back to Top | |
  |  Vaughan Registered Member
        Date Joined Jun 1999 Total Posts : 4984 | Posted Today 3:36 PM (GMT -6) |   | After a little experimentation, I was able to extend the range of the Bb clarinet to include the lowest note of the A clarinet. It wasn't made easier by the fact that the OS wouldn't give me sufficient permissions to change the files directly in their location. I had to move them to another spot, change attributes, make the change to the files and move them back, authenticating the whole time. After all this I was tempted to post the files here but I'd probably get into trouble with MM, despite their unnecessary oversight. Instead I'm posting screen shots of the salient portions of the solo clarinet sfz file. The same changes have to be made to the other 3 clarinet sfz files, i.e. changing the lokey value from 50 to 49 twice in each file. Vaughan
Finale 3.2 - 2014.5, Sibelius 4 - 7 Tobias Giesen's plugins, full version, Robert Patterson plugins, Dolet 6 plugin MacOS 10.11.1 MacPro 6GB, MacBookPro (2011) 8GB
File Attachment : clar solo 1.pdf 51KB (application/pdf)This file has been downloaded 241 time(s). File Attachment : clar solo 2.pdf 58KB (application/pdf)This file has been downloaded 237 time(s). | Back to Top | |
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