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| jnorman Registered Member
Date Joined Oct 2005 Total Posts : 2 | Posted 10/22/2005 3:18 PM (GMT -6) | | hi - just bought a smartmusic microphone, and trying to be able to record students. when i record, the mic picks up the student, but there is an enormous amount of background noise that almost drowns out the player, even with the mic very close to the instrument. mic level is set about as high as it can go. what could the probem be? thanks. | Back to Top | |
| Tyler Registered Member
Date Joined Mar 2001 Total Posts : 3586 | Posted 10/23/2005 7:31 PM (GMT -6) | | jnorman said... this is for flute students, and even with the mic level turned almost al the way up, the meter still only registers barely green on loud notes. the studio is not noisy - it seems more like there is some kind of impedence problem, or - this is an electret mic, yes? doesnt it need some kind of phantom power - how is it getting any power from the computer soundcard? my soundcard is just a run of the mill card that came in my HP desktop celeron, but i did DL and install direct X 9.0 like it said. thanks.
The mic input for most computer sound cads is very low resistance, so there isn't supposed to be any preamplification. A couple of possibilities - go to Start >> All Programs >> Accessories >> Entertainment >> Volume Controls. From the Options menu choose Properties and then click the button for Recording. Make sure Microphone is checked and click OK. Make sure the checkbox under the mic slider is the one selected (not the one for Line In). From the Options menu, make sure Advanced Controls is checked, then click the Advanced button under the microphone slider. If it's available, turn on the Microphone Boost.
For mic placement, make sure the mic is as close to the mouthpiece of the flute as possible.
If none of this helps, contact MakeMusic at winsupport@makemusic.com. Include an attached Direct X diagnostic test file (this will give them information about the hardware in the machine, in case they have heard of a specific issue with a particular sound card, etc.). To create this file, close all programs and go to Start >> Run. Type in dxdiag.exe and run it. Once the program has finished loading, click the button at the bottom to save the test file, and save the dxdiag.txt file to the desktop. Attach that to the e-mail and send.
On some notebook computers it's possible to switch between a mic level and line level input for the mic port in the BIOS. I don't know if this carries over to any desktop computers, but if so, it might be possible that the computer is currently set to line level input. It's also possible that the mic is bad or that the sound card is expecting a little stronger signal from the mic (some Sound Blaster cards ship with a mic that has less resistance). Windows XP, all updates
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