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Posted By : Newmusic - 1/14/2013 10:58 AM
After not using my Smartmusic for about 6weeks, I tried to open a tutor. The program opened well. Web connection diagnostics were fine. But I received and error message
"Enigma Error -2, Access denied"

So I cannot open any piece of music. I tried to download one of the new additions. It downloaded the viv, mus and mp3 file and then received the same error message again.

I have run anti-virus. I have restarted the system. I have closed the anti-virus and all unnecessary programs.

My subscription is up to date until the middle of February.

Please help.

Posted By : Seth Adams - 1/14/2013 12:35 PM

Thanks for posting. This error is usually caused by a permission setting in Windows. If you have not, I would recommend contacting our Tech Support team and they should be able to guide you in the right direction. You can submit a support ticket by following this link, /


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