I think the text search and replace (the plug-in, not FinaleScript) is the easiest because you can isolate just the data in the File info to search and replace. That will prevent erroneous changes in other places. What makes it hard to use is the little arrows at the bottom left of the window (giving you more options) are hard to see and aren't labeled. If the button said "options", I think the plugin would be easier to use. The little arrows aren't informative enough and I didn't know there were options until I poked around.
P.S.: This is only good for the current document. If you wanted to do multiple documents, then FinaleScript is the only option. If you toggle between documents that are open and keep the search and replace window open, you can quickly update the exact same info for each of the files, so it does have its use.
P.P.S.: I take all that back. There is an option to replace data in all open documents in the search and replace plugin. Boy, am I slow.
"When all is said and done, more is said than done."
Finale 2004b, Win 2000 or XP Post Edited (Zuill) : 4/26/2004 6:13:17 AM GMT |