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Posted By : Benjamin Tubb - 11/17/2004 6:37 PM
I need a batch process to convert all of my MANY years of Finale MUS files (several thousand!) to the latest version of Finale (currently F2K5a) with minimal corrections (especially of "File/Info" data and LYRICS). I've already found problems with conversions needing the new Repeat Tool "improvements" applied correctly to old documents!
A scripting language like FinaleScript could provide a tremendous time saver with this job alone (applicable to any specified root/sub directory and/or all of its subdirectories of MUS files).
Any help would be greatly appreciated in a "definitive" FinaleScript file.

Benjamin Tubb, Finale Engraver
Webmaster of Public Domain Music (
Editor and Compiler of
"Henry Clay Work: Complete Songs and Choruses"
(Kallisti Music Press, 2002)

Posted By : Robert P. - 11/18/2004 3:20 AM

Create this script:

batch process subdirectories // or simply batch process folder if you don't want to batch hierarchically
open finale files
// (actually, this line is not necessary since the default is finale files)
//description "xxxx"
//composer "xxxx"
//copyright "xxxx"
//use smart hyphens
//use smart extensions
//search "xxx" in lyrics and replace with "yyy"
//search "zzz" in description and replace with "zzz"
//search "2001" in copyright and replace with "2004"
save // you could say save and append "_2k5a"

The commented out lines are optional (and suggesting examples), depending on what you want to do on top of saving to 2005a format.

Now supposed that your finale files are gathered in one directory with subfolders, select it in FS and launch the script (and go to the movie).
I think it safe to have a try with several files first, just in case!, and to make a backup of your unconverted files.

Hope it helps

Posted By : Benjamin Tubb - 11/24/2004 2:55 AM
Thanks! If I have any problems, I'll let you know blush

Benjamin Tubb, Finale Engraver
Webmaster of Public Domain Music (
Editor and Compiler of
"Henry Clay Work: Complete Songs and Choruses"
(Kallisti Music Press, 2002)

Posted By : Benjamin Tubb - 11/25/2004 2:36 AM
Well I had a MAJOR problem. As your script is written, it didn't CLOSE any documents after loading them and thus caused the program to run out of memory in effect and generate several error message windows. Once "corrected" and revised to:

//START FinaleScript
batch process subdirectories
open finale files
use smart hyphens
use smart extensions
use engraver slurs

Of course it also (!) helped to read the Finale User Manual: Chapter 9, Plug-Ins, pages 9-43 thru 9-45, etc.

Benjamin Tubb, Finale Engraver
Webmaster of Public Domain Music (
Editor and Compiler of
"Henry Clay Work: Complete Songs and Choruses"
(Kallisti Music Press, 2002)

Posted By : Robert P. - 11/25/2004 5:32 AM

Yes, sorry, I forgot to mention the "close" command! It indeed is essential when batch processing a undefinite number of files!

Thanks for reminding this.
