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Posted By : Patrick Rice - 9/16/2009 6:04 PM
I want to write a plugin to set the vertical positioning flag on an accidental and move it to a specific place above the staff. I can specify a measure, or any other region, and loop through to do the job, but I want to apply the plugin to only selected accidentals. Is there an API/function that will return the Note Entry Frame and the Note Entry of the selected note, or is there a note flag (that I can't find) that is set when the note/accidental is selected via the special tools menu?
Thanks in advance,


Patrick Rice
Transcriber - Engraver

Posted By : Michael Good - 9/16/2009 6:59 PM
You can get the current selection, but it resolves to instruments, measures, and durations within measures, not to notes. Maybe that's good enough for your use? There's no plug-in access to UIs such as special tools note selection.

Michael Good
Recordare LLC

Posted By : Patrick Rice - 9/16/2009 8:16 PM
Thanks. So it sounds like I just use the standard region mechanism. And the finest granularity is a measure, eg the EXTGF. Is that what you're saying?

Patrick Rice
Transcriber - Engraver

Posted By : Michael Good - 9/17/2009 12:44 AM
No, you get duration positions within the measure. But you can't identify individual notes within entries.

Michael Good
Recordare LLC