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Posted By : danny10086 - 5/13/2009 4:16 AM
Is there a way to have the measure numbers appear different in the score and in the parts.

In the parts I want to have them as normal (ie; at the beginning of each system or line) and in the score I wanted to put them down the bottom larger and in the middle of the measure.

Can someone help me find out if this possible?


Proud user of FINALE 2009

Posted By : Dr. Wiggy - 5/13/2009 4:38 AM
danny10086 said...
Is there a way to have the measure numbers appear different in the score and in the parts?

Not without extracting the parts.

danny10086 said...
In the parts I want to have them as normal (ie; at the beginning of each system or line) and in the score I wanted to put them down the bottom larger and in the middle of the measure.

Can I ask why?

Finale 2009b, 2Ghz iMac, OS X 10.5.6, M-Audio Audiophile USB
M-Audio Oxygen 61; Yamaha PSR-410
Ancient Groove Music

Posted By : danny10086 - 5/13/2009 4:41 AM
As a conductor I find it easier to quickly find the measure number at the bottom of an orchestral score, but this look would not suit the orchestral parts - there would be too much going on for the player to look at.

Thanks for your reply though!


Proud user of FINALE 2009

Posted By : Gareth Green - 5/13/2009 7:29 AM
Wiggy said...
danny10086 said...
Is there a way to have the measure numbers appear different in the score and in the parts?

Not without extracting the parts.

Not sure that's true. I haven't experimented with this, but one of the nice things about Linked Parts (albeit that you have to play around with a bit in order to understand) is the ability to unlink/show/hide various elements.
I would have thought that the solution to the OP's problem would be to create two measure number regions, identical apart from fonts/positioning. Region 1 could be set to display on all parts but not score. Region 2 would be set up so that if you hide it, it will disappear from all parts; if you then manually unlink it, and set it to show on the score, it will not print on the parts. (most of these actions are easier accessed from Right-click context menus.)
Like I say, I haven't tried this, but I see no reason why it shouldn't work in theory. I use a very similar method myself for page numbers, which I prefer to be different in parts from those in the score.

Gareth J. Green
Core2Duo E8400@3.00GHz; Vista 64-bit; 8Gb RAM; SB X-Fi Extreme Audio, ATI Radeon HD 4650.
Stolichnaya Blue
"Trumpet players have no use for musicianship; it's too much like having a conscience"

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