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Posted By : rbsalyer - 11/20/2016 5:14 AM
finale 2014.5 on mac 10.8.5

I've been working on jazz band scores for quite a while and have not yet figured out a solution t his problem. It's in problem wiht the standard commands. I can playback using the playback controls. I can playback from a particular measure using spacebar and the mouse (with a note selected) I can playback individual tracks u sing the shift/spacebar and the mouse. I can playback individual notes using the alt key and the mouse (I'm using a windows keyboard on the iMac...I know it's strange, but it works and the apple keyboard died) continue...I can playback all the notes in a chord using alt/spacebar and the mouse. Here's the issue...

Jazzband staves are laid out...four saxes, four trumpets, etc...there are times when all I can to listen to are the notes in the sax section or just the trumpets...and that I cannot do...

I've tried muting the rest of the staves...plays them all
I tried taking the vol down to zero...plays them all

any help would be appreciated...I'm hoping theres something in preferences or documents, that I haven't found yet, that will fix this...


Posted By : Mike Rosen - 11/20/2016 11:39 AM
Using the mixer, you can mute or solo individual tracks.

Mike Rosen

Bass with Choir of the Sound
Volunteer copyist (The Gang of Twelve) for the Barbershop Harmony Society

Finale 2014.5 on El Capitan
Simple Entry, QWERTY keyboard, numberpad. That's my system, and I'm stickin' to it.

"As a musician, he's a damn fine woodworker."

Posted By : rbsalyer - 11/20/2016 11:52 AM
Mike Rosen…thanks for the reply….

the advice on the mixer is certainly true…by the mixer seems to be bypassed when you use the keys alt/spacebar and the mouse to select a particular measure…finale then plays back all notes in that measure…

what I would like to do, it use the alt/spacebar to play back selected staves…say I only want to hear the baritone sax and the 1st alto sax…or for that matter, if I only want to hear the sax section….is there a way to do that other than the mixer, which will not do that…if using the alt/spacebar business…


Posted By : Mike Rosen - 11/20/2016 1:11 PM
I don't think so, sorry.

Mike Rosen

Bass with Choir of the Sound
Volunteer copyist (The Gang of Twelve) for the Barbershop Harmony Society

Finale 2014.5 on El Capitan
Simple Entry, QWERTY keyboard, numberpad. That's my system, and I'm stickin' to it.

"As a musician, he's a damn fine woodworker."

Posted By : N. Grossingink - 11/20/2016 1:37 PM
Can't you mute selected staves in the Score Manager? It might be a bit inconvenient, but worth a try.


OSX El Capitan 10.11.6
Finale 2011c, 2012c for production work

Finale 2014.5, not used by my clients

(Finale v25 - not interested yet)

TgTools, Patterson Plugins, JW Change and Staff Polyphony, QuicKeys 4
Mac Mini 2.4 Ghz Intel, 8GB RAM
New Belgium Fat Tire Ale

Posted By : Bill Stevens - 11/20/2016 1:59 PM
I tried muting in the Score Manage, but as rbsalyer wrote, on scrubbing playback everything still plays. I also tried making staff sets, but same deal.

I'll be interested to know if you find a solution.


Finale 2014.5 (all versions since 1.0)
Finally made the move from my trusty 2011c
Staff Paper and #1 Blackwing Pencil with eraser
OS 10.9.4 on one, 10.10.5 on another

Posted By : michelp - 11/20/2016 4:01 PM
Scrubbing playback (alt + spacebar) has always functioned that way, AFAIK. All staves can be heard.
To use Solo and Mute buttons, "regular" playback seems to be the only way.
In the Score Manager, you can temporarily select "none" as an instrument for a specific staff. Not very convenient, but it mutes the staff.

Finale 25.1, 2014.5, 2012c (main), MacOsX 10.11.6, Mac Mini Intel i7 2,7 Ghz, 16 Go Ram, French azerty kb, Dolet 6. Full TGTools. MOTU Audio Express.

Post Edited (michelp) : 11/20/2016 3:06:59 PM (GMT-6)

Posted By : Peter Thomsen - 11/20/2016 5:57 PM
As a workaround you can create a custom linked part containing only the staves you want to hear (e. g. only the sax staves).

While you view this custom linked part, scrub playback will only play the staves in the (custom) linked part.


Mac Finale, 2012c, 2014d & 2014.5, Dolet 6.6 plug-in, Mac OS X 10.11.6, iMac Intel Core i7, 2.93 GHz, 16 GB RAM

Posted By : raphael - 11/20/2016 6:04 PM
Alternatively, you can "scrub" individual staves by using: shift + alt + spacebar.

Finale 25, iMac Retina 4K, 256GB SSD, macOS Sierra

Posted By : jlrathbone - 11/25/2016 8:03 AM
I agree - it's annoying that it plays everything in alt+spacebar mode. To get round this, I work in Scroll View and make a staff set (ctrl+alt+number) of what I want to check - then select that staff set to 'scrub' just those parts.

Mac OS 10.7.5 Finale 2014 for a day, but back to Finale 2012c.r13
User of Finale since version 1.6 (1989)!