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Posted By : tarang - 10/13/2002 11:27 PM |
Do you know if converting Logic notation files into Finale is possible?
Posted By : Michael Good - 10/15/2002 11:37 AM |
I don't believe that Logic's notation file format is published, which makes it tricky to import it into Finale beyond using MIDI or scanning. If this is not correct, please let me know.
You can write to eMagic requesting that Logic add MusicXML support, so you could share files between Finale and Logic much more easily in the future.
Best regards,
Michael Good
Recordare LLC
Posted By : Matthew Hindson - 10/15/2002 12:46 PM |
Emagic support of the Music XML format would certainly be extremely worthwhile, and indeed I intend to write to them asking them to support it. However, since they are now a fully-owned subsidiary of Apple, and there is no Mac version of the Dolet plugin...
It would certainly be great to somehow be able to link the best sequencer with the best music notation application in some way.
Posted By : jbonner - 2/13/2003 12:18 PM |
You could send the XML files to someone who has Finale 2003 on Windows who could then import them save as Finale .etf files and then email them to you.
John Bonner