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Posted By : Cal Muirhead/playtuba - 3/30/2002 1:26 PM
Hi...I would like to create extensive articulation and expression libraries and then open them in all of the template applications. for instance, I get the said libraries fixed the way I want them for one template, how can I apply and save that special library to all templates? Thanks for listening..Cal Muirhead

Posted By : jcraig1 - 3/30/2002 5:05 PM
The best solution is to set up a default doc with
all your libraries as you want them.
Save it as Maestro default file (stash the original
someplace or rename it) and that will be your
personal default file containing all your desires.
Joel Craig
Craig Music Services

Posted By : Cal Muirhead/playtuba - 3/31/2002 11:26 PM
Thanks Joel...I'll give it a try...Cal