The original version of this page can be found at :
Posted By : kaumann - 8/21/2008 2:29 AM
Setup: OS 10.5.4, Finale 2009, MacBook Pro

When I try to create PDF from a file (tried a few files, problem always) then the PDF file created is opening just fine in Preview Application. I discovered the issue of corrupted PDF after I sent the file to a person with PC (was opened with Acrobat Reader). The first page was ok, then there were errors... I opened some PDF files in my Mac with Acrobat Reader and got exactly the same errors. Files were not usable.

I created PDF files from standard print dialog box.

The workaround was: I saved .ps file from standard print dialog, then opened the newly created postscript file with Preview App. Preview App. converts .ps to PDF on the fly in this case. Then I saved the converted PDF file form preview app and the file worked fine.

This bug (if it is a bug) creates me loads of extra work. I would appreciate if someone could verify, havent reported it yet.

hardware: MacBook Pro 15'', 2.4GHz. 4GB RAM, 200GB 7200rpm HD.
software: Finale, TGTools, Wallander Instruments, Motu Symphonic Instrument + Ethno Instrument & Digital Performer, Melodyne cre8, RaySpace, Plogue Bidule, QuicKeys, Kontakt+ more

Posted By : Dr. Wiggy - 8/21/2008 3:57 AM
kaumann said...
When I try to create PDF from a file (tried a few files, problem always) then the PDF file created is opening just fine in Preview Application. I discovered the issue of corrupted PDF after I sent the file to a person with PC (was opened with Acrobat Reader). The first page was ok, then there were errors... I opened some PDF files in my Mac with Acrobat Reader and got exactly the same errors. Files were not usable.

Could you define what was wrong with the files exactly? Were page elements missing, in the wrong place, or what? There are differences in the way that Preview and Acrobat display PDFs and it is not unique for problems to arise in one but not the other.

kaumann said...
I created PDF files from standard print dialog box.

Bear in mind that when you do "Save As PDF", the OS uses the default printer as its starting point. "Save As PS" does produce better quality results ( displaying imported EPS files properly, for instance.) However, I don't have "not usable" files from using Save As PDF, so yes, it probably is just you.

kaumann said...
The workaround was: I saved .ps file from standard print dialog, then opened the newly created postscript file with Preview App. Preview App. converts .ps to PDF on the fly in this case. Then I saved the converted PDF file form preview app and the file worked fine.
This bug (if it is a bug) creates me loads of extra work. I would appreciate if someone could verify, havent reported it yet.

This bug (if it is a bug) is probably not an issue with Finale, but more likely is something not quite right in your print setup. You could try resetting the print system or deleting your print queues and re-creating them.

However, it need not create you loads of extra work. Using Folder Actions and/or Automator, it is very easy to get your Mac to automatically convert .ps files to .pdf as soon as they are created. I have Folder Actions set up so that any .ps file that gets saved to a particular file gets Distilled into a PDF and placed in another folder; and PDF files that land in that folder automatically get run through CocoaBooklet, creating print spreads, which are saved to another folder!

Finale 2009, 2Ghz iMac, OS X 10.5.4, M-Audio Audiophile USB
Ancient Groove Music

"It's not a perfect world. But I've lost the receipt."

Post Edited (Wiggy) : 8/21/2008 4:12:17 AM (GMT-5)

Posted By : Philip. - 8/21/2008 9:12 AM
Wiggy, the PDF guru:

Do you have problems with Cocoa Booklet crashing regularly? It crashes for me quite often (approx. every fourth or fifth booklet I create), and while it is quick to re-launch it, I wonder if I'm doing something wrong.

10.5.4 Intel. (although the problem happened on my old G5 with Tiger as well)

Posted By : Dr. Wiggy - 8/21/2008 9:43 AM
Philip. said...
Do you have problems with Cocoa Booklet crashing regularly? It crashes for me quite often (approx. every fourth or fifth booklet I create), and while it is quick to re-launch it, I wonder if I'm doing something wrong.

I think this may have happened to me back in the mesozoic era, but I can't remember what the cause/solution was, I'm afraid.

Possibly something in the CocoaBooklet prefs being a bit a dodgy, and best left unflagged? As ever, try trashing the prefs. lol

Finale 2009, 2Ghz iMac, OS X 10.5.4, M-Audio Audiophile USB
Ancient Groove Music

"It's not a perfect world. But I've lost the receipt."

Posted By : kaumann - 8/21/2008 10:10 AM
One file says more than a 1001 words...

Try to open this in acrobat reader, Mac or PC.

hardware: MacBook Pro 15'', 2.4GHz. 4GB RAM, 200GB 7200rpm HD.
software: Finale, TGTools, Wallander Instruments, Motu Symphonic Instrument + Ethno Instrument & Digital Performer, Melodyne cre8, RaySpace, Plogue Bidule, QuicKeys, Kontakt+ more

Posted By : migman - 8/21/2008 10:16 AM
I have Acrobat Pro 9, not Reader, and I use 10.4.11, not 10.5.4, but I could open your PDF. When you sent it to the PC person, was it via email, and did you zip it first?

Posted By : Dr. Wiggy - 8/21/2008 11:27 AM
Some problem with the fonts.
In Acrobat 7 on Tiger, I get "Token Type not recognised", and the bottom systems on pages 2 and 3 are not there.
Selecting "Use local fonts", and the top system disappears as well.

Try it without the diacritics...?

Finale 2009, 2Ghz iMac, OS X 10.5.4, M-Audio Audiophile USB
Ancient Groove Music

"It's not a perfect world. But I've lost the receipt."

Posted By : Michael Mortilla - 8/21/2008 12:46 PM
deleted by member -

Mike Mortilla

Post Edited (Michael Mortilla) : 8/24/2008 5:41:57 PM (GMT-5)

Posted By : kaumann - 8/21/2008 3:18 PM
The token error is happening in my own computer (MBP) as well. Same error occurred in PC. I didnt send via email.
I will try one file without diacritics...

hardware: MacBook Pro 15'', 2.4GHz. 4GB RAM, 200GB 7200rpm HD.
software: Finale, TGTools, Wallander Instruments, Motu Symphonic Instrument + Ethno Instrument & Digital Performer, Melodyne cre8, RaySpace, Plogue Bidule, QuicKeys, Kontakt+ more

Posted By : kaumann - 8/21/2008 3:23 PM
Wiggy said...
Try it without the diacritics...?

Thanks Wiggy. That was it.
I attach a new file. I attached a new file without diacritics- no problem. I guess it is a bug then. No such problem with Finale 2008, f2009 only.

The thing is: most of my files contain diacritics. My name contains one...

I guess I have to tell Arvo Pärt that he cannot be published with Finale lol

hardware: MacBook Pro 15'', 2.4GHz. 4GB RAM, 200GB 7200rpm HD.
software: Finale, TGTools, Wallander Instruments, Motu Symphonic Instrument + Ethno Instrument & Digital Performer, Melodyne cre8, RaySpace, Plogue Bidule, QuicKeys, Kontakt+ more

Posted By : Michael Mortilla - 8/21/2008 3:33 PM
kaumann said...
Wiggy said...
Try it without the diacritics...?

Thanks Wiggy. That was it.
I attach a new file. I attached a new file without diacritics- no problem. I guess it is a bug then. No such problem with Finale 2008, f2009 only.

The thing is: most of my files contain diacritics. My name contains one...

I guess I have to tell Arvo Pärt that he cannot be published with Finale lol

Or just don't be so diacritical :)

Mike Mortilla

Posted By : Dr. Wiggy - 8/22/2008 1:42 AM
kaumann said...
I attached a new file without diacritics- no problem. I guess it is a bug then. No such problem with Finale 2008, f2009 only.

Try a different lyric font first. If the problem persists, then submit it to MM.

Finale 2009, 2Ghz iMac, OS X 10.5.4, M-Audio Audiophile USB
Ancient Groove Music

"It's not a perfect world. But I've lost the receipt."

Posted By : Vaughan - 8/22/2008 6:39 AM
This is pretty serious. I got the same error message on the very first file I tried. I've tried it on several other files but haven't been able to reproduce it on them. It doesn't seem to have anything to do with diacritics (no more excuses for postponing working on those Arvo Pärt scores...). I tried deleting bits of the file in question and haven't been able to find which particular element(s) cause the 'Token Type not recognised' error message. Strange thing is, it's a 7-page file containing two songs, the first of which (including diacritics) converts to PDF without problems. The beginning of the second song, containing the last three pages of the file causes the error. The last page does convert correctly. I'd include the file and PDF but I'm a bit weary of putting it on the forum as I might get into trouble with the Dutch company which published the composer's manuscript. I'll keep checking other files to see if I can find another.

When I first tried the file, I got the same results, whether or not I saved as .ps and converted via Preview to PDF. Since then I updated the song file and tried again and now I don't get the error message in AR; the pages simply don't draw. Letting Preview convert from .ps to PDF does work now. It's like a game of Russian roulette. I can't figure out when this bug is going to strike next! I guess we'll just have to continue collecting examples of files which trigger this behaviour so we can send something coherent to MM...

Vaughan Schlepp

OSX.5.4, Finale 2008b
MacPro 6GB, MacBookPro 2GB

Ortelius Publishing, Amsterdam

Posted By : Dr. Wiggy - 8/22/2008 6:49 AM

Are you using TT or PS version of the Finale fonts?
What other fonts are in the document? What happens if you swap them for something else?

Try resetting the print system, and create a new print queue, make it default, and see if the problem persists.

Finale 2009, 2Ghz iMac, OS X 10.5.4, M-Audio Audiophile USB
Ancient Groove Music

"It's not a perfect world. But I've lost the receipt."

Posted By : Vaughan - 8/22/2008 7:15 AM

I'm using PS fonts for pretty much everything. I'd already tried your suggestion of changing the lyrics font (to Georgia) and the problem persisted.

I have a bit of an 'update': one doesn't need to save the file as .ps at all. Loading the offending PDF in Preview and just saving it does the trick as well.

One more thing: I've had this problem before with PDFs which had nothing to do with Finale at all. I had downloaded music (which hadn't been made using Finale) in PDF format from internet to send to someone and he was unable to load one of the pages. I loaded the PDF in Preview, saved it and sent it to him again and all was fine. This might suggest inconsistencies or vulnerabilites in the file format itself.

Vaughan Schlepp

OSX.5.4, Finale 2008b
MacPro 6GB, MacBookPro 2GB

Ortelius Publishing, Amsterdam

Posted By : Dr. Wiggy - 8/22/2008 7:25 AM
Vaughan Schlepp said...
Loading the offending PDF in Preview and just saving it does the trick as well.
This might suggest inconsistencies or vulnerabilites in the file format itself.

Well, PDF is (amongst other things) tokenised Postscript, and Postscript is a programming language, so it is possible for a file to contain syntax errors.

The "Token Type not recognised" error is essentially an "invalid instruction" error, where data is processed when the interpreter expects an instruction.
Save As PDF takes the Quartz data pretty much unadjusted, so it's weird to get this in a file and not on screen. It's also not clear why some have these problems and others don't.

Finale 2009, 2Ghz iMac, OS X 10.5.4, M-Audio Audiophile USB
Ancient Groove Music

"It's not a perfect world. But I've lost the receipt."

Posted By : Joe Brownlee - 8/23/2008 10:04 PM
I am having the same problem. The first page of the PDF shows up blank. It appears that the music is there, it displays briefly, then the page becomes blank.

I agree with the previous poster, this is a HUGE issue for me. It works fine on 2008.

Posted By : kaumann - 8/24/2008 6:29 AM
I think we should start reporting this now. This is not about fonts. This is a bug that was introduced with Finale 2009.

hardware: MacBook Pro 15'', 2.4GHz. 4GB RAM, 200GB 7200rpm HD.
software: Finale, TGTools, Wallander Instruments, Motu Symphonic Instrument + Ethno Instrument & Digital Performer, Melodyne cre8, RaySpace, Plogue Bidule, QuicKeys, Kontakt+ more

Posted By : Vaughan - 8/24/2008 4:30 PM
This is indeed a 2009 bug. I just used 2008 to make a PDF of my problematic file and it loaded without errors in Adobe Reader. I'll report this to MM. Maybe they could exchange this bug for those old CTREE errors we used to get. I kind of miss 'em; you could just click them away without any consequences.

Vaughan Schlepp

OSX.5.4, Finale 2008b
MacPro 6GB, MacBookPro 2GB

Ortelius Publishing, Amsterdam

Posted By : Michael Mortilla - 8/24/2008 5:45 PM
kaumann said...
One file says more than a 1001 words...

Try to open this in acrobat reader, Mac or PC.

I am using Safari with PDF as a plug in to read online (current Leopard OS) and I got the token error as well. The 3rd page (I think) showed a few items and then went blank. Safari popped up the warning that the file was damaged and to request the person creating the file send another... (don't bother :) ).

This would certainly be problematic for me sending PDFs to librarians for printing and binding. I hope the st maintenance update comes out soon and fixes this.

Mike Mortilla

Posted By : Vaughan - 8/25/2008 8:29 AM
Has anyone reported this yet? I tried to post this problem to MM and their server wouldn't accept my form with info and two example files.

Vaughan Schlepp

OSX.5.4, Finale 2008b
MacPro 6GB, MacBookPro 2GB

Ortelius Publishing, Amsterdam

Posted By : Dr. Wiggy - 8/25/2008 11:59 AM
I don't have problems displaying PDFs in Acrobat that were made in Finale 2009, by using Save As PDF.

Let's be careful we don't have an "OMG Bugs!" over-reaction.

Finale 2009, 2Ghz iMac, OS X 10.5.4, M-Audio Audiophile USB
Ancient Groove Music

"It's not a perfect world. But I've lost the receipt."

Posted By : Michael Mortilla - 8/25/2008 12:02 PM
Wiggy said...
I don't have problems displaying PDFs in Acrobat that were made in Finale 2009, by using Save As PDF.

Let's be careful we don't have an "OMG Bugs!" over-reaction.

I don't think that is the issue, per se, if I am reading the post correctly. The issue seems to be sending a Mac created PDF to a PC. I hope the issue can be clarified so we know exactly what we're discussing here. I don't have a problem with PDFs myself but I will have to find someone with a PC to send one to :) I don't think I know anyone with a PC <g>

Mike Mortilla

Posted By : Joe Brownlee - 8/25/2008 8:05 PM
No, the Mac-generated PDF does not work on my Mac in Acrobat or on a PC. It isn't just PC-related. However, my file was originally created on a PC, so perhaps there is some cross-platform thing to it.

I'd be willing to bet that it is some certain item that is causing it to blow up. Perhaps the poster that said it is OK for them has a file that doesn't contain whatever it is that causes the problem. It can be easily reproduced and does not happen with the same file under 2008.

I used the methodology posted above to generate a postscript file and convert that to PDF with preview, and that works properly.

Posted By : Dr. Wiggy - 8/26/2008 2:18 AM
Michael Mortilla said...
I don't think that is the issue, per se, if I am reading the post correctly. The issue seems to be sending a Mac created PDF to a PC. I hope the issue can be clarified so we know exactly what we're discussing here. I don't have a problem with PDFs myself but I will have to find someone with a PC to send one to :) I don't think I know anyone with a PC <g>

I thought the issue was that PDFs created on a Mac using Save As PDF display with errors on Acrobat or Adobe Reader; but can display fine in Preview.

"Save As PDF" is slightly hit and miss, particularly for production work. It uses default settings, including the default printer queue.

For those that have this problem, I would recommend the following:
1. Reset the print system, delete your print queues and add new ones.
2. Make sure your default print queue is a decent Postscript laser printer.
3. Try using "Save As PDF/X" from the print menu instead.
4. If the problem remains, try deleting components from the score, e.g. repeats, expressions, articulations, guitar tab, etc, to see if any particular component triggers the problem.

5. Using Save As Postscript from the print queue will work, as it involves a slightly different process. It is trivial to get the Mac to distill ps files to pdf automatically using Folder Actions.

As occurred with my own print problem: just because it works in 2008 or earlier and doesn't work in 2009, doesn't mean that it's a "bug" in 2009. I solved my print problem after initially blaming MM by clearing away the cobwebs in my print system.
To be honest, I'd be surprised in MM changed *anything* in those sections of the program that do not have explicit bug fixes and new features.

Joe Brownlee said...
I'd be willing to bet that it is some certain item that is causing it to blow up.

It's almost certainly some certain item that causes this problem. smilewinkgrin

Finale 2009, 2Ghz iMac, OS X 10.5.4, M-Audio Audiophile USB
Ancient Groove Music

"It's not a perfect world. But I've lost the receipt."

Post Edited (Wiggy) : 8/26/2008 4:00:38 AM (GMT-5)

Posted By : Vaughan - 8/26/2008 5:50 AM

It seems difficult to pinpoint the reason for this anomaly. My rather strong reaction to this error came partly because it occurred on the very first file I tested. Since then I've been able to reproduce it consistently on this particular file but, admittedly, on no other to date. The uneasiness comes from the realisation that I'll have to test every PDF I make in Adobe Reader before sending it off. A note to Joe: you don't need to generate postscript files and convert them to PDF. If you load a PDF in Preview and simply save it, the problems seem to disappear as well. As far as system stability is concerned: I do occasionally reset the print system and rebuild the queues. The problem with the file in question occurred on both my computers in exactly the same way, with different print queues. Saving as PDF/X produced the same unusable PDF. I even spent the better part of two hours trying to delete elements (starting with diacritics!) but was unable to pinpoint the source of the problem. I also wonder why this file only creates defective PDFs in Finale 2009 and not 2008, although I'm trying to be careful about waving the term 'bug' around indiscriminately. After all, what I previously mentioned may also be relevant: similar problems occur occasionally with PDFs that weren't produced by Finale at all. In each case, Preview seems to save the day.

Vaughan Schlepp

OSX.5.4, Finale 2008b
MacPro 6GB, MacBookPro 2GB

Ortelius Publishing, Amsterdam

Posted By : Dr. Wiggy - 8/26/2008 6:14 AM
Vaughan Schlepp said...
you don't need to generate postscript files and convert them to PDF.

Save As Postscript still produces better results than Save As PDF, so I recommend using it, regardless of Preview's ability to correct the original error.

Vaughan, out of curiosity, what is your default printer?

Finale 2009, 2Ghz iMac, OS X 10.5.4, M-Audio Audiophile USB
Ancient Groove Music

"It's not a perfect world. But I've lost the receipt."

Posted By : Vaughan - 8/26/2008 7:33 AM
Wiggy said...
Save As Postscript still produces better results than Save As PDF, so I recommend using it, regardless of Preview's ability to correct the original error.

I'd really like to know what the differences are. Why is PS-PDF better than Save As PDF? I've tried creating both and comparing them and can't find any differences, although my comparisons were only visual, on screen and at high magnification. The file size difference is also interesting. The PS file is generally more than twice as large as the file produced by Save As PDF. The PDF made in Preview from the PS file is less than half the size of that made by Save As PDF. And then there's Save As PDF-X. I'm assuming that this circumvents the Finale print system and addresses part of the MacOS directly. Still, creating my PDF this way didn't solve the problem. By the way, this file's size is about the same as that of the PS file. All kind of confusing...

Wiggy said...
Vaughan, out of curiosity, what is your default printer?

Gee, nobody's ever asked me that before. It's an HP LaserJet P2015dn. blush

Vaughan Schlepp

OSX.5.4, Finale 2008b
MacPro 6GB, MacBookPro 2GB

Ortelius Publishing, Amsterdam

Post Edited (Vaughan Schlepp) : 8/26/2008 7:41:06 AM (GMT-5)

Posted By : Dr. Wiggy - 8/26/2008 8:11 AM
PDF files will tend to be smaller than their equivalent PS file, simply because PS is a text-based language, and PDF converts PS commands, such as "setgray" to a number (tokenising). PDFs can also contain compression built-in.
Save As PDF is a simple and quick conversion of the CoreGraphics Quartz display info into PDF. Quartz is a kind of "Display PDF" anyway, so this is very easy. (Even though Finale still uses old QuickDraw calls in its code.)
However, Save As PS seems to go a different route. Some programs specify the production of their own PS, such as Photoshop, Illustrator, Quark and indeed Finale, when they print, rather than use the built-in OS routines. This is because they require greater control over the PS.
Save As PS calls on these app-specific routines, which is why imported EPS graphics display as high-res vector images when Saved as PS or printed, but appear as low-res screen preview that appears on screen when Saving as PDF.

PDF/X is simply a PDF that conforms to certain standards, set by the printing industry for optimal use in pre-press. This specifies things such as No RGB, No transparency, etc.

As most Finale data is vector, the difference visually is probably negligible. Though there have been some instances where exporting a page as EPS produces an error, but Save As PS does not.

Finale 2009, 2Ghz iMac, OS X 10.5.4, M-Audio Audiophile USB
Ancient Groove Music

"It's not a perfect world. But I've lost the receipt."

Posted By : Joe Brownlee - 8/27/2008 1:05 PM
OK, Wiggy, I messed with this and followed your suggestions. Here are the results.

1. Reset the print system with the newest drivers, etc. No dice, same problem.

2. My print queue is a solid Apple laser printer I've been using without problem for some time.

3. Save as PDF-x worked perfectly. Not sure what the difference is between PDF and PDF-x. opened correctly in Preview and in Acrobat. I did not try sending it to a PC, however.

4. I started deleting items. This is a lead sheet with three-part vocals. The staff that causes it to fail has a meter change from 4/4 to 2/4. There are notes tied across the barline across the meter change. If I remove the ties, the PDF comes out fine. Once again, this same file with the same notation works without problem under 2008.

5. Save as Postscript worked for me before. Kind of a pain to make this a two-step process since I print pretty much everything I do in Finale to PDF, but it does work.

Posted By : Obiwan Kenobi - 8/27/2008 1:17 PM
Vaughan Schlepp said...

Gee, nobody's ever asked me that before. It's an HP LaserJet P2015dn.
OSX.5.4, Finale 2008b
MacPro 6GB, MacBookPro 2GB

My two pence Vaughan:
I suppose you have downloaded this update for Leopard:
Your PPD's for LJ 2015dn will be after update
Compare with the version you have in the System Information > printers. I think yours would be or something like that...

New HP PPD's works now fine with AdobeReader 9.0
Note that, when I create a PDF file via the OSX Print dialog box, I do prefer set to "any printer" instead of my printer, in order to be more readable for many users.


G4-1.8Ghz / 1.5Go RAM / OSX 10.4.11
MacBook 2.4Ghz / 4Go RAM / OSX 10.5.4
Finale 2000c - 2003a - 2005b - 2008b
Sibelius 4.1.5
Overture 3.6.1 - 4.10

Posted By : Dr. Wiggy - 8/27/2008 1:17 PM
Resetting the print queue is done in Leopard by Ctrl-clicking in the print list in System Preferences > Print.
Just thought I'd mention it as it's quite obscure.

Finale 2009, 2Ghz iMac, OS X 10.5.4, M-Audio Audiophile USB
Ancient Groove Music

"It's not a perfect world. But I've lost the receipt."

Posted By : kaumann - 9/1/2008 7:59 AM
Nothing helps, tried many things suggested above. It still comes down to file containing diacritics... at least one of them is on every single page of every file.

It is a bug for sure. Sadly the bug reporting system of MM is buggy too *intentionally maybe* , should use Firefox instead of Safari.

For now I found this workaround:
1) print dialog in Finale
2) click PREVIEW button
3) opens with the preview of Finale doc, SAVE AS from Preview app, format: PDF.

This omits creating all those .ps files.

hardware: MacBook Pro 15'', 2.4GHz. 4GB RAM, 200GB 7200rpm HD.
software: Finale, TGTools, Wallander Instruments, Motu Symphonic Instrument + Ethno Instrument & Digital Performer, Melodyne cre8, RaySpace, Plogue Bidule, QuicKeys, Kontakt+ more

Posted By : Dr. Wiggy - 9/1/2008 8:23 AM
kaumann said...
Tried many of the things suggested above

OK. Which ones haven't you tried? Bug diagnosis requires that you be methodical!
kaumann said...
It is a bug for sure. Sadly the bug reporting system of MM is buggy too *intentionally maybe* , should use Firefox instead of Safari..

Eh? Are you saying that Safari doesn't work with the Make Music Technical Support website? I have no problems.

kaumann said...

For now I found this workaround:
1) print dialog in Finale
2) click PREVIEW button
3) opens with the preview of Finale doc, SAVE AS from Preview app, format: PDF.
This omits creating all those .ps files.

This is exactly the same process as doing Save As PDF!
So the Preview button in the print menu gives you a PDF that works, but Save As PDF does not? That's freaky indeed. Though it does support those who say that re-saving in Preview solves it.
Could you post the Finale file here (or PM it to me), and I'll see if I can make a PDF on my system using Save As PDF. Or post the lyrics, and I'll make a file containing them, and see if I can PDF it.

Finale 2009, 2Ghz iMac, OS X 10.5.4, M-Audio Audiophile USB
Ancient Groove Music

"It's not a perfect world. But I've lost the receipt."

Post Edited (Wiggy) : 9/1/2008 8:27:23 AM (GMT-5)

Posted By : kaumann - 9/1/2008 3:25 PM
Wiggy said...
kaumann said...

For now I found this workaround:
1) print dialog in Finale
2) click PREVIEW button
3) opens with the preview of Finale doc, SAVE AS from Preview app, format: PDF.
This omits creating all those .ps files.

This is exactly the same process as doing Save As PDF!

Well... how can it be?
The process from user's side is different. The result is different.
I do not know OS X internals well. I have no clue what in the process is different but something obviously is.
This is tested now with several files.

(I also PMed wiggy the address of one sample file)

hardware: MacBook Pro 15'', 2.4GHz. 4GB RAM, 200GB 7200rpm HD.
software: Finale, TGTools, Wallander Instruments, Motu Symphonic Instrument + Ethno Instrument & Digital Performer, Melodyne cre8, RaySpace, Plogue Bidule, QuicKeys, Kontakt+ more

Posted By : Dr. Wiggy - 9/1/2008 4:00 PM
Kaumann's file does produce a corrupt PDF on my machine. I've since tried doing Save As PDF on one of my files, and I get the same problem. However, I had tried it previously and didn't.

It's hard to say what causing this, but it does look like something syntactically wrong with the page display in Finale.

Have people sent this in to Support? I'll keep an eye on it and do a bit more experimenting.

Finale 2009, 2Ghz iMac, OS X 10.5.4, M-Audio Audiophile USB
Ancient Groove Music

"It's not a perfect world. But I've lost the receipt."

Posted By : Dr. Wiggy - 9/1/2008 4:15 PM
I've restarted Finale, and the document that I Saved As PDF before (corruptly) now Saves As PDF perfectly.
Kaumann's document still comes out corrupt though; even on a different paper size; using different fonts; removing diacritics; etc.

Finale 2009, 2Ghz iMac, OS X 10.5.4, M-Audio Audiophile USB
Ancient Groove Music

"It's not a perfect world. But I've lost the receipt."

Posted By : sugna - 11/19/2008 12:20 PM
Hi there, I've recently upgraded to 2009 and am having the same problem with some of my files when saved as PDFs. I've tried resetting printer queues and so on but to no avail. I've been trying to set up the automatic conversion from postscript to pdf - I've set up folder actions on the appropriate folder and told it to run 'convert - Postscript to PDF.scpt' - a script which was apparently included with Leopard. But when I 'print' a score and parts as postscript from Finale it only converts one of the files and leaves the rest as .ps files. I can't see an appropriate Automator action to try.. Anyone any thoughts?

Many thanks,

Posted By : Dr. Wiggy - 11/19/2008 1:17 PM
Can you be more specific about the problem you have? It may not be identical.

I don't see the "Convert Postscript to PDF" workflow in Automator. Perhaps it's elsewhere. It should be enough to create a Folder Action that opens in Preview and Saves the file to the same location.

You could create a Folder Action that runs a Unix script such as this:
Select "Run Unix script" workflow.
Select the "pass input as arguments" drop down list.

for f in "$@"
    pstopdf "$f"

Finale 2009a, 2Ghz iMac, OS X 10.5.5, M-Audio Audiophile USB
Ancient Groove Music

Post Edited (Wiggy) : 11/19/2008 12:36:43 PM (GMT-6)

Posted By : sugna - 11/19/2008 1:37 PM
Main problem is that when I use Print... -> Save as PDF, some of the resultant PDFs won't open correctly in Adobe Reader 8. Specifically, some pages appear blank, and sometimes I get the message "An error exists on the page. Acrobat may not display the page correctly. Please contact the person who created the PDF document to correct the problem', followed by "Token type not recognised." I'm working with Finale 2009 - I've never had the same problems with the same procedure in Finale 2007 (I never owned 2008).

I can't see a 'Convert Postscript to PDF' workflow in Automator either - I did, however, find a _script_ called 'convert - Postscript to PDF.scpt' in [system drive]/Library/scripts/Folder Action scripts - but like I mentioned, this doesn't seem to work very well: when I 'print' a score/parts set in there as .ps files, it only converts one of the files and seems to ignore the rest.


Posted By : Dr. Wiggy - 11/20/2008 5:16 AM
Have you applied the B update to 2009? There are lots of print changes in both updates.

Finale 2009b, 2Ghz iMac, OS X 10.5.5, M-Audio Audiophile USB
Ancient Groove Music

Posted By : sugna - 11/20/2008 7:10 AM
Indeed I have - am running 2009b.r3

Many thanks for your help with this.

Posted By : Vaughan - 11/20/2008 7:32 AM

I have this problem occasionally and I can't find a pattern to it at all. In every case, opening the PDF in Preview and then saving it solves the problem. Nowadays I have to check all my PDFs in Adobe Reader before I send them off. The occasional 'Token Type not recognized' will then show up and I'll know to do the Preview trick. Funny thing is, Preview never has problems showing these PDFs; you have to try them out in Adobe Reader to make sure.

Hope this helps!

Vaughan Schlepp

OSX.5.5, Finale 2009b
MacPro 6GB, MacBookPro 2GB

Ortelius Publishing, Amsterdam

Posted By : sugna - 11/20/2008 8:31 AM
Hi Vaughan, thanks for that. I guess I'll use the Preview workaround for now. It's a bit of a PITA though when one's dealing with lots of scores and lots of parts in a project and time is tight!


Posted By : gracenote - 11/20/2008 1:28 PM
Philip. said...
Wiggy, the PDF guru:

Do you have problems with Cocoa Booklet crashing regularly? It crashes for me quite often (approx. every fourth or fifth booklet I create), and while it is quick to re-launch it, I wonder if I'm doing something wrong.

10.5.4 Intel. (although the problem happened on my old G5 with Tiger as well)

Cocoa Booklet crashes every so often for me too. It never seems to be a problem. Restart it and it is back to normal for awhile. Are you using CocoBooklet to make your pdf's? I have never tried that from Finale. I just do the print and then choose pdf. No problems at all with files created in this manner.



Specs: iMac 20“ Intel, 2.4ghz, 4GB ram, OS 10.5.4; iBook PPC 1.2ghz, 768M ram, OS 10.4.11

Finale 2008b.r1, Keystation 49E MIDI controller, Yamaha PSR 520, MIDIMAN 1x1