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Posted By : groomscar - 3/15/2013 12:49 PM
I have found another thread on this same topic (started by Brian Wis) and now cannot find it again to post this as a reply...

Listen to the attached mp3 file.

I have complained for several years that the intonation tolerance in Smartmusic is too high. When I began teaching strings a few years ago this became a very apparent problem. Today, I listened to a playing test of Aura Lee, from a 7th grade violinist, that received a 96 in Smartmusic. It is totally unacceptable to me, it is so out of tune. Now, the student sees this 96 and thinks he's doing ok, but I listen and see huge red flags! This is a big problem - false feedback for the student. I know a feature to allow some adjustment of intonation tolerance has been suggested and looked at in the past, but I think this recording is a great example of why it needs to become a priority.

Posted By : Jim Jolley - 3/15/2013 10:12 PM
This is what I do. I reserve the right to change and/or resubmit any assignment. Kids know that and so do the parents. Once a parent complains, I ask them do you want your doctor to be 96% correct? Usually solves the problem.

Jim Jolley - Band Director - Center Hill Middle School

Finale 2008a, 2009b, 2010a, 2011b, 2012b - Smartmusic 2012b - Garritan CoMB - Vista

Posted By : Dan S - 9/6/2013 6:58 PM
Ah for the old iPAS system by Pyware. They took intonation seriously, but their software had many other flaws.

All music educators: Keep asking SM to address this issue & they will.
