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Posted By : robert rawlings - 5/6/2013 3:49 PM
I thought there was a forum for SM but I had to go to Finale to find it.

I was wondering if anybody here could address a few issues for me?

I've been disappointed the last few years in SM .
It seems like the product has gotten worse not better in many ways.

1) Can anyone explain why with certain solos and solo books you are not able to transpose either for a different instrument or to change the key for the same instrument?
This feature was available in the beginning of SM.

2) I'm very disappointed to see songs not available anymore in the Wynton Marsalias Standards book.

I assume that these are problems with the publisher and copyright issues?
If so you need to convey to them that it's a new ballgame and they can't depend on their old biz model.
Anybody have an idea about this subject?

I used to use SM for 100% of my practicing. Now I use iRealb for almost all of it. I keep SM so that I can practice along with actual notes but the interface is so slow I often just don't bother.
One thing you absolutely have to fix asap is the slow count-off.
Does anybody know if this is being worked on?

I'm hoping the new privately owned MM will improve in the future.

-bob :-)

Posted By : Seth Adams - 5/7/2013 3:05 PM
Thanks for your post. As you may have noticed our websites are going through some changes, and that includes our forums. We are still monitoring the SmartMusic forums and will make them available from the SmartMusic website when those changes have been made.
Your concerns and technical issue with count-offs are best addressed by contacting our Technical Support department. I checked your account; it looks like you have already opened a support ticket with an agent. We can certainly address your technical issues via that support ticket.

MakeMusic, Inc.

These on-line forums are intended for the exchange of ideas among the users of MakeMusic products. If you'd like individual help from our technical support staff, please contact us directly at

Posted By : Dan S - 9/6/2013 7:01 PM
Count off thought...

Young students need that extra time after they press the button to get ready to play. I assumed it was built in on purpose. Maybe we should ask SM for a on / off switch to control the count off delay?
