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Posted By : Nick Di Scala - 11/30/2016 6:03 PM
Hello All,

Certain fonts–in this particular case, the 'Swing' font and its variants–don't display correctly. I get a question mark inside a box for all characters.
I've cleaned the font cache. The font looks fine in FontBook, just not when I try to use it in a document. Upon some research, it seems I may be missing the .fan files. How would I reinstall these if that's the issue?

Other thoughts?

Finale 2014.5
iMac 7.1, 2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, 6GB 667 MHz DDR2 SDRAM
OS X 10.11.6 (El Capitan)
Roland A90 MIDI Keyboard
MOTU midi express 128 Audio Interface
Garritan PO4, JBB3, Harps

Posted By : Bill Stevens - 11/30/2016 9:14 PM
Do you need that .fan file? I think I have it on an old computer.


Finale 2014.5 (all versions since 1.0)
Finally made the move from my trusty 2011c
Staff Paper and #1 Blackwing Pencil with eraser
OS 10.9.4 on one, 10.10.5 on another

Posted By : Dr. Wiggy - 12/1/2016 1:55 AM
You can auto-create the FAN file in Preferences > Edit > Font Annotation.

Also, make sure the font is listed in MacSymbolFonts.txt.

Finale v.25.1, 2012 MacMini; 2012 MacBook Pro (10.11.6 / 10.12.1)
Edirol FA-66; Roland A-49, HP Laserjet 5200 DTN
Ancient Groove Music

Posted By : jange - 12/1/2016 6:05 AM
Have you added the font to MacSymbolFonts.txt ?
It must be in there, otherwise you will get wrong characters like the "!".
Also make sure that you use the correct MacSymbolFonts.txt.
On MacOS there are at least two files with that name. You should use
the one that is in the folder that is listed in the Preferences->Folders->Configuration Files

After changing MacSymbolFonts.txt you must restart Finale and, if you have
changed the font annotation file, recreate it. Finale handles the font annotation
files differently for fonts that are in or not in MacSymbolFonts.txt.

There were also issues with the Swing font on Windows.
I don't know if it had to with MacSymbolFonts.txt as well. I think his libraries
didn't work on Windows as he had updated the font name from "Swing" to "SwingMusic",
but didn't change the font name in the libraries.
I had a conversation with Richard from Sigler fonts about it last year.
Maybe you need to ask him for an updated version of the font ?
