The original version of this page can be found at :
Posted By : Ron. - 12/31/2016 7:48 AM
You are working on a tight deadline when you run into a show-stopping problem. You are near panic-stricken. You look up MM's support phone number. Not there. Telephone support has ended. You go to MM's user forum and post your problem, hoping someone will respond. If this happened before December 31, 2016, chances are good that someone will respond and give you a detailed fix within minutes. If this happened after Dec 31, 2016, you post and wait, and wait, and wait.

Yesterday I received two email notices that someone from MM staff had responded to a couple of questions on their new and wonderful forum. Trouble is, those questions were posted in August. Can you afford to wait four months for a response to your urgent request?

That is what the future holds for us.

I will miss being a part of this wonderful community.

Fare thee well.

Finale 25.2

GPO5, JaBB3, GIO, COMB2, GWI, GIFF, Steinway Basic.

Windows 7; 10 GB RAM.

Posted By : johnmouse - 12/31/2016 8:26 AM
I signed up on the other Finale forum. MM has made a huge mistake here. They obviously don't value their customers' opinions. Thanks, Ron (and others) for all your input and insight on this forum over the past years!


Finale 2012/2014 (Well, it's installed.)
M-Audio KeyRig 49
Desktop: Windows 8.1/i5 Core/8 Gig RAM
Laptop: Windows 7/i3 Core/6 Gig RAM

Posted By : Gareth Green - 12/31/2016 8:42 AM
My last post here. Just registered on; hope to see you all over there.

Gareth J. Green

Windows 10 (under duress ... )

Posted By : Mike Rosen - 12/31/2016 9:34 AM
Farewell to you all. Being part of this forum has been a truly important part of my life for over a decade.

Happy New Year to everyone, and I'll see you on the other side. ( :p

Mike Rosen

Bass with Choir of the Sound
Volunteer copyist (The Gang of Twelve) for the Barbershop Harmony Society

Finale 2014.5 on El Capitan
Simple Entry, QWERTY keyboard, numberpad. That's my system, and I'm stickin' to it.

"As a musician, he's a damn fine woodworker."

Posted By : Andreo Basisto - 12/31/2016 10:03 AM
Greetings all!

This is also my last post here and I look forward to further help on the FinaleForum from Zuill, Peter, Wiggy, Motet, Mike and many others in the years to come. I have learnt so much from this Forum – I am heartbroken to see it axed.

To Adam Wig (Director Customer Success), Michael Johnson (Vice President, Professional Notation) and Fred Flowerday (Senior Vice President, Product Strategy), I hope you realise that you have made a monumental faux pas in the closing of this forum.

Andreo Basisto

Finale 3.1, 98, 2000, 2011b

Win 10 (64 bit)

Posted By : ttw - 12/31/2016 10:57 AM
I'll be gone for a few weeks. See everyone (I hope) on FinaleForum. I'll start checking there (unless I have net access while travelling.)

Finale 2014.5, 25
GWI, GPO4, GPO5, JABB 3, Steinway Basic, COMB2

Windows 10 Pro HP Envy Desktop
Windows 10 Home HP Portable

Posted By : ttw - 12/31/2016 10:59 AM
On a more cheerful note. "New Coke" did get replaced by "Coke Classic" AKA "Coca Cola" later. Companies can admit a mistake and make a change. MM needs little work to effect such a change.

Finale 2014.5, 25
GWI, GPO4, GPO5, JABB 3, Steinway Basic, COMB2

Windows 10 Pro HP Envy Desktop
Windows 10 Home HP Portable

Posted By : Zoots - 12/31/2016 11:07 AM
I don't really think the end is near as long as a critical mass of the active participants of this forum move over to and from the names I see there and the posts made here, I'd say it is happening.

It is the users that made this forum valuable and little more. MM wasn't really much of a participant on this forum concerning solutions to problems so that isn't any loss. A quick visit to the Zendesk forum which is likely to happen by somebody will gather any "news" from MM and post it to the finaleforum.

I guess this is my last post on this forum too. Thanks for the help and info everyone has provided here and see you over at finaleforum.

Finale 2012c

Smartscore Pro X2

Windows 10

Intel i7 with more than I need

Post Edited (Zoots) : 12/31/2016 10:10:01 AM (GMT-6)

Posted By : Zuill - 12/31/2016 11:42 AM
I don't know if this will be my last post, but let's see. 2016 has been a big year of change for me. Despite all the major changes (losing my teaching job of 22 years being one of the bigger ones), by the Grace of God I am looking to the future. MakeMusic closing this forum, in the bigger scheme of things, as annoying as it is, is not the end of life as we know it. I am learning, again, that for every setback, there is a future event that brings greater reward and accomplishment. So, as we all adjust, let's look to a brighter future, and a productive and rewarding 2017.


"When all is said and done, more is said than done."
Win 7 64bit, 2011b, 2012c, 2014d, 2014.5, 25.2
Favorite Forum quote: "Please, everybody, IGNORE THE TROLL!"

Posted By : Perotinus - 1/1/2017 1:12 PM
Probably my last, and duplicated elsewhere in this forum, too:

Bye, all... see you all on the other side (the enlightened, not the dark one).
Cheers and best wishes always, and happy new year.


Finale 2014.5
Windows 7 Enterprise 64-bit