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Posted By : Newmusic - 12/3/2012 8:23 AM
What is the progress of an international version for smartmusic educators version.

A few of my students have started using it. Next year I have a bigger bunch of students that I hope will use it. I want to make it part of their enrolement requirements.

I understand that there is some or other issue regarding privacy rights which I understand - but I have a private studio and want to use it mainly to monitor that practicing is being done, and the marks are also a great guideline. The marks are not used for report/grading.

Look forward to getting a detailed reply. I should have about 20 students or more next year that I would like to see use this program and I think I could be more effective if I had a teacher version.

Posted By : Seth Adams - 12/4/2012 10:49 AM


Thanks for posting. SmartMusic is currently available internationally, If you would like additional information please feel free to contact Customer Support,


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