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Posted By : Jaromir - 10/19/2006 12:44 PM
after my almost 15 years music engraving and proofreading experience I call across the dessert: can somebody make a plug-in for checking the collection of parts for the uniformity of:

- number of measures
- double barlines
- time signature changes
- key changes
- measure numbers regions
- tempi
- rehearsal letters
- fermatas
- selected headers and footers

It would be a formidable help, as all these elements are important yet tedious to check.
Please, please... before I go blind from looking at these things above.

Posted By : DougC - 7/3/2013 10:19 AM
This was posted in 2006. Does Finale have an answer in 2013?

Posted By : Peter Thomsen - 7/5/2013 1:40 PM
Obviously the original request is a request for a plug-in that can compare extracted parts that are extracted from the same score.

Finale has had linked parts since 2007.
With linked parts you can have the tasks mentioned above done and updated automatically.

Today I never extract parts - I always use linked parts.
And I am not the only user who never extracts parts anymore.

My guess is that there is much less need for a such plug-in today.


Mac Finale, 2011c & 2012c, Dolet 6 plug-in, Mac OS X 10.8.4, iMac Intel Core i7, 2.93 GHz, 16 GB RAM

Posted By : Motet - 8/9/2013 11:42 AM
One of the JW plugins checks for fermata consistency in the score, which I've found helpful.

Finale 2011b, 2005, TGTools
Windows XP

Posted By : KennethKen - 8/11/2013 10:30 AM
Might not be what you need by JW Validate is helpful for proofing a single document.

Windows 7 Pro (64 bit), Finale 2012c, Core i7 2700K@3.50Ghz, 8GB Ram
Brass music, Woodwind Music, Concert Band Music, CDs, etc.