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Profile Created :4/4/2015 5:20 PM
Last Seen :6/30/2015 12:18 PM
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 Delete Second Staff
THANK YOU. I had to slightly modify to: Process all open docs work on later 1 Menu Item "Staff" select staff 2 Menu Item "Delete Staves" And it works perfectly. Thanks Rob
FinaleScript - FORUM HAS MOVED!robin2001
6/30/2015 9:55 AM

Delete Second Staff
Hi, I have modified some of the included examples in Finale 2014 and have met my needs by extending the examples. But I cant find any good examples for other needs. I wish to open score manager and...

FinaleScript - FORUM HAS MOVED!

6/29/2015 3:35 AM
 Automatic note to fret, how?
Charles Lawrence, thanks. I got it to work by following your steps. I now get tab data as I would expect. Thanks everyone.
Finale - Windows - FORUM HAS MOVED!robin2001
4/7/2015 5:18 PM
 Automatic note to fret, how?
Hi, Ok, I understand. My original point was not that Finale was wrong, or creating tab data that was invalid. What I was confused about it why it does it totally differently to other programs, and if...
Finale - Windows - FORUM HAS MOVED!robin2001
4/7/2015 10:54 AM
 Automatic note to fret, how?
When I go the other way I get negative frets. Thanks, Robin...
Finale - Windows - FORUM HAS MOVED!robin2001
4/7/2015 9:53 AM