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Profile Created :5/25/2001 8:33 AM
Last Seen :5/27/2013 2:50 PM
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Last 5 Posts
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text expressions
I would like to create a text expression and have it appear in all individual parts but only the bottom stave of the score. I knew how to do this in 2007 but cannot find how in 2012.

Finale - Windows - FORUM HAS MOVED!

6/20/2012 9:55 PM
 Unassigned Rhythm Percussion Notes after XML import yellow
OK. I;ve moved a little further now. How can I change all my percussion MIDI values of 70 to 50?
Finale - Windows - FORUM HAS MOVED!ercriss
5/29/2012 1:25 PM

Unassigned Rhythm Percussion Notes after XML import yellow
I've imported rhythmic percussion parts from XML and then copied and pasted into my score. Everything imports correctly from XML but when I copy/paste I lose percussion data. Percussion noteheads...

Finale - Windows - FORUM HAS MOVED!

5/29/2012 11:42 AM
 Pitch flip
Repitch! THAT's IT!! Thanks
Finale - Windows - FORUM HAS MOVED!ercriss
5/29/2012 9:49 AM

Pitch flip
I have ZERO piano skills. I remember in an older vers of Finale, I used to use Hyperscribe to record and "perform" the rhythm into my file. Then I would go back with a pitch flipper? and bounce the...

Finale - Windows - FORUM HAS MOVED!

5/29/2012 9:48 AM