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Profile Created :8/14/2012 7:54 AM
Last Seen :3/23/2018 6:50 PM
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 Watermark revisited
Hi friends Yesterday I found a post and followed it. It says to add the watermark by creating a transparency added tiff file and placing it as a graphic file. The watermark shows on the screen but it...
Finale - Windows - FORUM HAS MOVED!Krish
7/3/2014 9:50 AM
Yes it is. I want to know how it can be done Regards Krish
Plug-In Development - FORUM HAS MOVED!Krish
9/1/2013 10:02 PM
Hi friends I know to read staff notation but we have to change it to tonic-sol-fa manuely for vocalists. That is why i am looking for a plugin to change staff notes to tonic-sol-fa Regards Krish
Plug-In Development - FORUM HAS MOVED!Krish
9/1/2013 12:16 PM
So that we can change staff notation into vocal score Krish
Plug-In Development - FORUM HAS MOVED!Krish
8/26/2013 12:27 PM
It is clear If you are a programmer Create a plugin for adding tonic-sol-fa in finale thanks in advance :p
Plug-In Development - FORUM HAS MOVED!Krish
8/25/2013 10:05 PM