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font problems on upgrading from XP to W7
I have just upgraded from XP to Windows7, re-installing PrintMusic 2010. Two issues: 1 - the fonts and icons on the editing page are now very small - much smaller than in any of my other windows...


3/19/2014 2:45 PM
 PrintMusic 2010 - how can I show note heads only, without stems?
OK, thanks, point taken!
Finale - Windows - FORUM HAS MOVED!jsrees
9/10/2013 9:57 AM
 PrintMusic 2010 - how can I show note heads only, without stems?
thanks, Mike, your fix has worked! Michael R.E - I don't understand your comment about child programs?
Finale - Windows - FORUM HAS MOVED!jsrees
9/10/2013 9:02 AM
 PrintMusic 2010 - how can I show note heads only, without stems?
here are the files as exported and imported, in pdf format
Finale - Windows - FORUM HAS MOVED!jsrees
9/10/2013 8:02 AM
 PrintMusic 2010 - how can I show note heads only, without stems?
I've been able to import stemless notes from MuseScore into PrintMusic, but still have a problem. The clef in the imported score in PrintMusic only shows on the first stave (although clefs are...
Finale - Windows - FORUM HAS MOVED!jsrees
9/10/2013 7:36 AM