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Viewing user profile for : EEBaum
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Profile Created :5/12/2002 6:06 PM
Last Seen :12/27/2009 12:27 AM
Total Posts : 46
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Last 5 Posts
ThreadForumPost Info
 Interest in a FinaleScript Wiki?
OK, I finally got it going. I don't know squat about FinaleScript and am swamped with other projects, but figure at least I can provide a space for everyone...
FinaleScript - FORUM HAS MOVED!EEBaum
9/17/2009 11:53 PM
 Interest in a FinaleScript Wiki?
Ah right... slipped my mind. I have it ready to go on my website. I'm switching to a new server in the next couple days, will post a link once that's done. If I seem to be flaking, post another...
FinaleScript - FORUM HAS MOVED!EEBaum
7/29/2009 5:21 PM
 To Publish or not to publish
I've found it very effective in the past to give them a piece of music they might actually like playing . This, in my experience, is the one thing that performers don't get all that often. Something...
Finale - Windows - FORUM HAS MOVED!EEBaum
6/30/2009 7:02 PM
 To Publish or not to publish
Does whether or not your music has value concern you as a composer?
Finale - Windows - FORUM HAS MOVED!EEBaum
6/30/2009 3:21 AM

Fonts not exporting to EPS
I'm trying to export scores in EPS format so I can open them in Adobe Illustrator. However, most of the fonts don't seem to make the transition between Finale and Illustrator. I don't know if it's a...

Finale - Windows - FORUM HAS MOVED!

6/27/2009 11:53 PM